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Everything posted by Runeyboy5000

  1. I promise you they weren't targeting you. That was such a fun fight win/lose but I'm telling you, they were killing our returners as well. I really don't want to have to upload my pov, just take my word for it.
  2. Critical damage complaining about mains. Now I've seen it all. Any mains that we had were anti-rag, a large percent of your pull is always 40+ defence. Lets just be honest here, you guys got throated. We recruited hard all week, we hyped the trip and we succeeded. Just take a loss man, your clan was bested. Tell your pures to eat only half of one pizza and then half of another pizza. You don't want to eat the whole pizza or you will die.
  3. Idk if you're brainwashed or what man but you know that isn't true. That was a very intense fight and it was so much fun. It was dead even for a very long time. Apex was camping the mouth of CA killing our returners but after 20 minutes CD pulled north to corp and were put down to 25 in game compared to rages 50. CD knows they didn't win that. I know it doesn't feel good to lose and I don't agree with some of the disputing of certain preps by rage leaders but I know that in those 20 minutes of the fight, both CD and Rage members were having fun. And to people saying we had LPC's with us, all of those people are joining Rage. You should too.
  4. The fight with CD was so fun in CA. Apex was camping the mouth focusing our returners. 20+ minutes until they were cleared. Thanks CD, it really was a fun fucking fight regardless of your mains.
  5. Vidder definitely won round 1 for CP with his invisible scimitar, he was aggressive as hell with that thing. Gz on win CP
  6. Agreed. Good fight AAO, always fun to fight a clan I have respect for.
  7. What's the point of being rude?
  8. Neither clan is a pure clan, you guys are on the wrong site.
  9. Thanks for the welcome.
  10. Runeyboy5000


    I've come here to be nice to everyone. I want us pures to be friends.
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