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Everything posted by Kevv

  1. how did you go from pulling 35 to 25 max?? we've beaten you in the last two preps, who did we bring that were invites rofl? pls. i actually want you to answer this we're aussie based that's why we can't pull much to your times, we had to sit for you in the last prep lolol
  2. Step the fuck up clans, stop starving your members of action or they'll get bored and the scene will whither out your clan's been open for ages and you managed to slump down to lpc level of course lpcs have multiclanners on this remake of a 2007 game. Barely anyone plays anymore and if they do they're in a clan already Pls don't use the excuse you don't allow multiclanners, it's just that no one wants to join you mate pretty sure one of their ranks is an 86 ouch, they were the clan that broke the cmb cap ouch, train up slumpremacy you're being left behind remember Trauma's list of excuses? starting to think now that they've closed...... you'll know where i'm going with this
  3. if the speech in the video is the case then you wouldn't go around fucking with our stuff
  4. Gf every clan today, too easy. Teamed on, took on 3 clans in one inv... no competition at all. #1

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kevv


      couldn't hear you all the way from clan wars bro

    3. Leech


      easy to say when u bring 20 cp with u

    4. Kevv


      that's true bro

  5. gg zenith, you were never gonna be a threat
  6. mate that's class, that's my exact reaction!!!!!
  7. Just watch the vids at high altar Cv, why have you actually claimed #1 after one weekend of getting dicked around and one win in a prep vs a clan that hasn't won anything in months. Cmon now i actually feel sorry for you guys trying to start beef with us well put chesty, watch the vids and you'll see you got dicked, after dicking you we stayed and fought some more.
  8. we just had one a month or so ago???
  9. i'm gmt and i've never stayed up that late to prep, the latest i've been up on a weekday is 10:30 gmt
  10. this topic is weird, i don't know how to describe it, i would describe it as comforting but that's not the word
  11. Zerg Unit still sitting on top, #1

  12. not even gonna bother watching it, can tell it's gonna be cringy as fuck
  13. Kevv

    EoP's Saturday

    don't talk about something you know nothing about, tim
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