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Lord Zach

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Everything posted by Lord Zach

  1. I loved the gunshots. ahahahaha good job au.
  2. Yo does anyone remember when @@#Toxic made these videos? what is your opinion on these videos? personally at the time i thought it was pretty neat. could have been better executed tho.
  3. wdym.. you guyshave like the same levels as eop xD
  4. Zenith. Holy fuck. Good brown sticky stuff. But why are your combats so high .-.
  5. Activation doesn't have any multi clanners (;
  6. Holy brown sticky stuff your whole clan is high ass levels. What in the world.. why did you move to the LPC scene? I'm not trying to flamebait but seriously?
  7. Lol. LPC scene is the new MPC scene and its bumping. Nah.
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