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Everything posted by Overload

  1. Yeah it's definitely trauma. They also only have access to booters during the week! Hitting off teamspeaks before the round even starts, quite clever! Conveniently your ts never gets hit on weekends when they fight you down 20?
  2. at this point rd has more junior members than actual members lmao
  3. Quite entelligent yourself.
  4. hows the march through varrock going btw? l0l
  5. i dreamt that you died. unfortunately it was only a dream
  6. you guys did good today, killing curse and chaos up 10 shows that. you also did good against trauma, matched and you had 8 left at the very least after a good minute of fighting. shame you didnt want a rematch gj.
  7. random mains sniping you do not have the privilege to complain about our 78s when you have a lvl 84 in your clan also this guy was sniping trauma lp perry. conveniently enough that was the name of one of many clans you've made (and died)
  8. a solid 2. thats also the amount of people you killed in a 32v32 pkri sleep
  9. if you wanna join a clan that refuses to fight trauma up 5, go ahead and join omega
  10. and the majority of them are in trauma?
  11. thanks for confirming* easy lol
  12. so rd are #4 now lol #5 when foe reopenes
  13. are these forums accessable on a phone btw?
  14. you are broccolied honestly when trauma ranks and members hop on their hpc account theyre not considered trauma? lmao
  15. yes many of their runescape members moved with them to battlescape it really isnt hard to understand, tomato
  16. but the majority of the members didnt so what you're saying is irrelevant, just like you lol
  17. wow a bunch of pserver prods who had been playing pservers for years beat rs clans who had just started to play pservers amazing lol
  18. Nobody has dced during a fight against Trauma. Clearly your reasons for not prepping them have something to do with your clans current state.
  19. Why didnt you follow that advice when you reopened zenith and sko?
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