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SV Elve

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Posts posted by SV Elve

  1. You guys lost to us when you got pushed to corp. Then we got our returners falled in and you rushed us 1v1 with an opt advantage. At least we fought you.



    Regardless, bad ass pull and nice trip.


    It was a 2v1 80 vs 60. of course we moved it to corp where it would be easier to return. we cleared aao off the map and then we focused you and smashed you all the way to singles.


    We never left multi. Please tell me how we lost when we were the last clan there. and had 55 ending?

  2. @SV Elve, listen we appreciate you guys giving us action, but "coming out on top"????? Your video, and the one on our topic shows you repeatedly getting pushed to singles... The reason you didn't bank was because you died and you were constantly returning (respect for that). No flame intended, fact of the matter is that we had a lot more people than you, and in the end, that's what it boiled down to.


    you had 5 other clans mate. thats the only way you can imagine to compete with us and you want to talk about whos better?


    were a single clan, your an alliance of 5. 


    were by far the better clan. olympus is better than you. and they pulled 7. 

  3. I believe that you are no longer able to claim #1 on the weekends, and matched because AAO is going to whoop that ass on Friday and the Red Alliance will whoop that ass on the weekend. Also who the fuck uses the word queer any more that made me laugh. ALSO i believe the Red Alliance has no current competition, fool. 



    your AN ALLIANCE.


    alliances fall mate, and when you do it will be back to the bottom for you and your 5 other virgin clans.  your nothing without your hand holding. you could pull 100 excel members and sv would dummy you down 50. thats the truth.

  4. @@Patrick, red alliance was never cleared. We snagged a bank once. Dominated all day. gf all. ty for action


    you had 5 clans with you and you NEVER cleared us off the map for a second. we sat in multi our entire trip and only banked after we ended.


    we proved who the most dominate lpc is. 150v65 and we still came out on top, id love to see you name another clan capable of doing that.


    nice 7 man pull olympus.... olympus has fallen.

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