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bt black son

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Everything posted by bt black son

  1. yeah okay bro ill let you tell it go pick ya mini clan flawless up just trashed them all over wildy you next see cya sat brosuvvv
  2. bitch lips i smoked you what was it again oh yeah tuesday when you attempted to come to wildy pipe down
  3. you made no sense stop trying to be relevant broccoli enter the wildy fam stop begging for cw go wild
  4. who the fuck are you lol? ill show you this weekend why my clan is #1xlpc you have no trips in wildy anymore as i told broxx your leader or whatever he is in outbrown sticky stuff stop quoting me fam better set cw up for good im going to break outbrown sticky stuff period & that envy reject you got for a vidder set my nuts up .
  5. what does this prove ? lol i'm killing your clan stop quoting me fam just enter wildy
  6. no events for you in the wildy anymore don't beg me for off killing your clan lol you had lpc accounts trying to aid you dont even step foot back in the wildy from today on cya soon
  7. we demolished you at ca but i dont post on sb lol you guys are fucking broccolied asf bt and flawless teaming? when did that ever happen today flawless focused us the whole fight keep piping up and ill hunt/kill you simple
  8. how can bt tele more than flawless you imbecile when teleporting isn't allowed in bt keep feeding propaganda to your low quality members
  9. why do you allow your members to tele serious question leader to leader
  10. hmmm where do i start first off wanna congratulate you ryan on a losing topic completely bullied you & walked you down 2x yeah eat your socks . you know i dont care about other clans opinion i told you this from since i was in your teamspeak if i post the beatings we give you during the week up to weekend on here people would have diff pov but who cares what other niggs think they not bt lol fk them but yeah going to be a brutal summer for flawless if you even stay alive that long
  11. good friends or good people to suck dick to so you can compete on sat/sundays?
  12. Yesterday we asked Flawless to come do a few sets with us at clan wars. Round 1: BT vs Flawless Starting 20 Ending 12 Round 2: BT vs Flawless Round 3: BT vs Flawless Final fight: first to 50 run-in style. Bt ends up with the win in the final fight with a score of 50-48. GF flawless.
  13. Why do you have 77s in xlpc bracket ? & tell wedy the 86 pop rune tank smd
  14. now this you guys are the most delusional xlpc out there I know for a fact you haven't seen me or my members attend wildy with mith+ on and prep whenever I'll do to you what we always do you in wildy
  15. I don't know how you stated in your video you and pop are the only xlpc clan left when bt is the number #1 xlpc clan
  16. You crashed a plan fight moron that s your problem deal with what happened to you see you Saturday if you even decide to show
  17. Don't usually reply to topics but you are a dumb fuck don't make a topic and forget to include bt reduced u into merging with vision ascent was in your capes paradox sniping us from the back and still ended with more then you tomorrow I'm going to fucking smoke you and vid it for the pure community to see you pack teles on your trip who would ever take you seriously fuck yards goodluck this Weekend bully session
  18. like how you went over everything i said to talk about a prep cya in a few hrs .
  19. claim to be #1xlpc when you lost all weekend long forced to hold hands with weston to fight 50s but yeah #1xlpc sounds legit .
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