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Posts posted by Mustafa

  1. 1 minute ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    the funniest part about the political pressure line in that clip is that like 3 weeks after it was made i had some other guy's team get absorbed into a revs clan and a lpc and lose its memberlist through discord dms

    like come on dude that shits stale as hell you have nothing to say back to me. you're weak and can't even mic up awkward mute kid.

    what more do i have to say to you? u literally cried on runescape lmfao !


    no wonder vilchez bullied u out of supremacy holy fuck

  2. 1 minute ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    oh also leading i never went mia for a week because you "bullied me" i went mia because i thought it was cringe as fuck and disrespectful that you guys were bringing troll gear against apex. a lot of my friends are in apex and they already have enough problems with clans avoiding them to be wasting their time with troll rounds. i have logs from back then where 3at says he thinks its cringe that you guys both have egos when you dont win at clan wars. honestly woke.

    jesus man idk if shud start feeling bad for you 

    Imagine being this weak mentally 

  3. 28 minutes ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    sup teamspeak is awkward

    i would be lucky to be playing with 1 other player with a microphone and people acted like you need a "caller" in a 6v6 because nobody talked

    you honestly cant even be a good +1in clan wars if you cant call what side you're coming in for melee on or say when you're dropping a scim. sure some of you have played for years but it doesn't mean much if you're too socially awkward to mic up.

    Ur sitting here talking about 6v6 minis, do u know how stupid that sounds

  4. 1 hour ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    hamf asked me for help winning preps because you guys blow right now and then sup flamed me and ran me out of the clan and attempted to damage my reputation for.... trying to help you guys win preps? seems two faced. look how quick you flipped on me.

    you dont even mic up in 2019 and you're talking about "+1's"

    Lmfao ur sitting here lying like u lied about leading wanting to join ur shitty ass miniwar team, never have i seen some1 this shit at the game be so cocky


    Enjoy having beta rage members sucking ur dick and giving you the attention u desperetaly need 


  5. 36 minutes ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    these kids are so quick to turn on their own friends... mustafa here saying he can't stand me at minis when i'm used to my irl alarm clock in the morning being pokes from mustafa to "lets mini we need you bro!!"

    reflect a little on that

    you played yourself here because you thought i was going to join rage and pushed me to make a post i really didnt want to. i was even willing to take a hit to my own reputation for supremacy, after leaving, and keep all that to myself. big honor h88. but you had to flame.

    change that attitude and you guys might be able to maintain pulls.

    I literally poke every kid on ts to mini lmfao,  your not special to me pal

    And I do apologize only for not being honest with you when u were in supremacy, i shud have told you that u arent as good as u think u are and that No1 cares about ur annoying rants 

  6. 1 minute ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    god damn bro. i joined your clan in the first place because i was told you guys were in a big slump, the worst you ever had, and needed help. i recruited like fuck for you guys, rage started a rivalry and you got hype almost reaching 100 pulls.

    look where you're at now, and how you treat your own core members that didnt happen by accident.

    Go join rage pussy

  7. 1 minute ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    nah dude you do it to yourselves. on my last day in sup everyone including you were sitting in a channel talking about how 3at was doing this shit at inners.

    Dude ur honestly making me laugh at how retarded u are, like what does 3at doing shit at inners have to do with anything l000l

  8. 6 minutes ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    Hey, don't say I didn't warn you multiple times before doing this.

    The Story Of How Sup Broke H88
    by H88


    Before you read this, reminder that I was the most active member in Sup since the day I joined by FAR, and the best recruit they've picked up in ages. Dedicated, Loyal, but they broke me man.

    Ha Ha Ha they think I left because Vilchez flamed me. Are you kidding me right now? That kid's entire history is mediocrity. As if I would care or take it seriously. Nor did I leave because of the rivalry or anything to do with that. I am not a fair weather player.

    I left because Supremacy has a losing and complacent mentality that comes at the detriment of its own members. Letting a mediocre player spaz out on your clan's most active player and only decent recruit in ages is merely a symptom of a bigger problem that I had been noticing for a long time. I asked two kids who hadn't binded at a prep in 3 years, in their own words, to nig range so we could win and I was told to kill myself. You lost a f2p prep to FI right after by the way.

    I didn't leave because some kid told me to kill myself. I left because I was flamed for wanting to win.

    And less than 24 hours after that? You guys kicked another core member who I won't name from Supremacy, thinking he was a leak, with the message "kill yourself" from 3at. He wasn't a leak by the way.

    And speaking of leaks, are you aware that I tried to show Supremacy's high staff how to use data analysis to find leaks accurately in like, an hour or two's work, months ago, and nobody bothered to do it because they're all lazy? Imagine kicking your own core members and telling them to kill yourself because nobody's willing to open up excel and put in 2 hours of work for their boys. Think about how many kids who did nothing wrong you guys kicked in the last few months trying to blindly play whack a mole finding leaks.

    Wonder why I stopped recruiting to Supremacy? I knew that's the kind of environment I was bringing people into. The way some of you guys treated new recruits made me feel like shit for even bringing them in.

    And hey, what happened Saturday? You know I warned Supremacy of what was going to happen weeks ago and nobody took me seriously right? I even showed them how many twitch codes Rage was buying. But everyone saw it as someone else's problem and did nothing about it. And it shows on the vids. Sup looked anemic.

    I'll stick with a clan through thick and thin. In the last community I was part of, I stuck with my clan for 15 years until they closed. And the one after that until the entire server closed. They had ups and downs. It doesn't even matter to me.

    Look at this kid Crafted on here flaming the most active member of his clan like he even logs on. Lmao kid battlescape is the last time you were relevant. Keep sitting on elder and doing nothing.

    So yeah, you should have kept your mouth shut and refrained from flaming me because I was willing to take the hit to my own reputation and look like a clan hopper for you guys. But if you treat me like that, well here you go.

    Lmao didnt read

  9. 6 minutes ago, ┣┫_88 said:

    that's not why i left. if you actually think i left because an irrelevant history kid flamed me then l0l. and reminder: i'm the one who turned down mentor in your clan 🤐

    L00l my dude ur bragging about turning down mentor like Its some high rank


    Good riddance btw i love attending minis without hear ur annoying ass non relevant opinions

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