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Everything posted by DLPHN GANG

  1. you've been saying that for the last few months, don't you ever get tired of your own lies?
  2. Perfect no valid reason - see u saturday, can't wait for your losing topic
  3. This status and reply takes 2 seconds of my life imagine me actually being triggered god bless xlpc beef

  4. Why would we agree to 65 cap when we still have low 50s that are still training? Your logic makes no sense. You just told me you only have ~5 people over 60 cap, so just make it 60 cap. Lmao, do you not understand that most of us are busy Sunday. Explain to my why Saturday doesn't work. Give em a valid reason.
  5. OB talking so much about 1 sunday trip and forgetting they got walked to singles and ditch all day Saturday lmao imagine being in EOP right now.. uh i mean OB

  6. u have 60 EOP members dont forget u lost to edge recruits So why you scared for a 60 cb cap??? lmfao your ego must hurt so bad knowing edge recruits have rekt your clan. Alright kid, i can't believe you're actually scared to prep us on saturday. I'll even make it 40min. Let's get lit quit your crying.
  7. Lmao OB really concerned that they couldn;t beat RT wit their lv 60s that they need 65+ so cute

    1. Broxxx


      didn't rampage close?

  8. Lmao u can't compete with 50-60 cb cap i understand u need overheads because you tryhards are scared to lose to edge recruits. I get that. Please understand and get this through your peanut sized brain that last week wasn't our opening trip. Noxi came to help so we could have even opts to fight you. We weren't even all in the same ts3. Please tell your leak to get their facts straight. 3-1 sure, but u needed leaks and changing capes to even compete. Cheat 2 win i feel it. Must hurt your ego knowing you've lost to ppl w/o any clanning xp.
  9. New xlpc 60cap and OB already trying to go back to how aids xlpc was bless their broccoli hearts

    1. Kunoo


      you bring 60s+ in wild :thinking:



      Yea last weekend to fight your 68's i feel it. So let's cb cap 60 like a6 and broxx agreed to before.

  10. 30v30 min 60 cap like we agreed the new xlpc would be you broccoli. no overheads, prayer disabled. Saturday - Sunday is football.
  11. Rampage-rs.com #1 xlpc this is a new era 60cb cap no overheads

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Kunoo


      Can confirm we have 3 different leaders with different time zones to lead the clan @Indi agree ?

    3. Indi


      @Kunoo I agree, can also confirm ob is killing rp heh

    4. Kunoo


      yes i agree ob has been giving the big fat dick to rp @Indi

  12. litmob vs Violence mini? I'm down. Accept or nah?
  13. All I hear are excuses on why you won't prep before or after the trip on the weekends.. smh u beg for action and when we offer it to you, you scare away like you always do. Your excuses aren't even valid ones I gotta be honest. Ty for showing the community you're too scared to prep in this new era @ @ @@exzrts
  14. That's what our topic will say this weekend. - Prep us this Saturday before or after the trip. - 60 cb cap. - No overheads or boosts. @@RyanTheG @@Worldathlete @Luciel
  15. Care to explain how litmob isn't closed @@Warbow ?
  16. Lvl up a little bit fam, not many big clans out that are around 40 cb. Most are between 50-55 right now Rampage-rs.com
  17. Dlphn Gang we save Whales

  18. he went inactive and forgot to post some thread or something idk that's all i know
  19. smart to not pipe up kid imagine losing to an xlpc because you can't keep your brown sticky stuff together. Not that it matters, I see your losing topics all of the time tho. I'll give your clan about a month and a weekend left.
  20. Ignore the propaganda try hards - we run trips at different times than Outbroken on weekdays because most of our guys are EST until weekends, while they are GMT based.
  21. lmfao who u rivaling wit right now? plz lemme come close ur clan next
  22. i haven't seen u since i gave u money smh
  23. the only thing cool about you is your accent otherwise eat your socks young 1
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