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Chesty Puller

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Everything posted by Chesty Puller

  2. Here's what I think. You guys opened up with the capability to pull 20+ on other clans and you think just because you did that you're capable of beating every lpc out there and because of that you feel like you guys have suddenly "put ZU in a scared position" yet I don't understand because I went to ZU's trip and they were practically hooting at every chance to fight you guys in a legit 1v1. You guys fought each other at high altar and they literally wiped out about 10 of you guys to their 1. I know this because I went. Right after that you guys dipped because you saw another clan rush in. Now normally a clan with decent minded ranks wouldn't run away from an opportunity like that, especially when you guys outpulled every other clan by over 20. But you guys did dip because they SAW that your numbers dropped down by ten after fighting ZU who had 27 for like 2 minutes at the max and your ranks knew for a fact that you guys were fixing to lose to ZU so they jumped at the chance to get away from Zerg's bloody scims. After that I bet they were filling your heads with propaganda and lies made to justify their quick escape while ZU fought three clans at once after taking on a clan that doubled their opts. Numbers don't make a clan strong, it's the mentality of the ranks and the level of dedication the members have to their clan. Obviously your ranks aren't in the right mindset when they go into other clans teamspeaks just to talk brown sticky stuff and back off the second Zach mentions a prep. Your members seem dedicated but I'm not sure how dedicated due to their performance at high altar. But I mean your members dedication really doesn't matter when it comes to Toxic because he'll probably just end up closing it into ZU for a rank. It's funny because this is what toxic does all the time. He opens up a clan and talks brown sticky stuff, yet he never wins any fights and when he loses he fills your heads with propaganda that you guys actually believe. Then he realizes that his clan sucks and that he's incapable of leading anyone so he closes it into a clan with a stronger rank structure so he can mooch off their success. Then the clan ends up closing because Toxic's an tomato. Your rank structure is made up of tomatos. Lowkey used to beg me for ranks and I never promoted him because all he cared about was having authority over other people, westbrook is a complete broccoli, Parm's an tomato because he slaves for toxic just so he can close the clan for his own selfish goals, and Toxic is just Toxic...Before you start talking brown sticky stuff, build up a clan around solid principles and show respect. WALK THE WALK BEFORE YOU TALK THE TALK. This is literally LP v2. I used to grind Toxic about this brown sticky stuff yet he never listened to me. It's funny how he talks about me yet he begged me to help him with LP.
  3. Try hard? I literally wrote down three sentences. Hey Parm, how does it feel working for hours on clan forums just so toxic can close it into another clan for a rank?
  4. You don't HAVE to run away every single time a fight gets crashed. Can we all just accept the fact that 1v1's just don't happen anymore? Seriously. Half of most of your clans trips consist of running into single then back into multi again for the other clan to do the same thing. lezbehonest. Be a champion. Fight through the clusters. It's as easy as re-lo-cate.
  5. Chesty Puller

    CV Sunday

  6. Haha, just tired of hearing "South Korea needs the U.S. to save them from North Korea" All the fucking time. It's not true. South korea has the ability to literally wipe Kim Jong Fatass off the face of the earth but they don't because they're awesome fucking people, and awesome fucking people don't invade countries.
  7. I wouldn't make them if I didn't like them tomato.
  8. Convictioncc everybody. Convictioncc.
  9. Hamz, Dubz, ABZ. I'm starting up a clan on OSRS hmu if you see this

  10. This is a response to a topic on zybez forums that I made relating to why the clan world is dying. Thoughts on this? Stop focusing on doing what's best for YOUR clan and start doing what's best for the community. Find some way to enforce rules within the community. No Ddosing, no ruining fights by crashing and bringing mains to pure fights. and what not. Recruit, recruit, recruit. You guys have to realize that even though the game is dying, out there is still 15k+ active players on at all times you can recruit from. Lower your reqs and teach them the ropes. When a new person joins a clan for the first time he/she usually becomes motivated to play the game more and train up their accounts and learn how to fight in an organized fashion. You guys need to stop being so damn pessimistic and realize that it's not jagex's fault. It's yours. Don't expect jagex to do the work you're supposed to be doing to pick the community back up on it's feet. Promote this community among the masses. Stop secluding yourselves in this one community and asking "why the fuck is this community dying" Because you're all dragging your feet around and not doing a damn thing to grow the community at all. All you guys do is go out and fight each other in the wilderness in different worlds where your typical runescape player does not hang around and then you post your videos and topics on zybez and call it a day. You're being lazy. That's all this is, laziness. Back in the day clans used to run around and recruit people from edgeville, varrock multi, everywhere. They'd walk straight into varrock with huge spam towers advertising their clans. They'd make promotional videos and actually tried to get views on them. They'd post their videos on quest guide and community forums, not just one forum. They actually put in the work to recruit from the masses. BTW I'm starting up sort of a project clan on OSRS. Just looking for my old crew. Dubz, Hamz, abz? Where are you guys? I would like you guys to take part. Anyone else if you want to be a part of it just hmu on here or irc, query Chesty and I'll get back to you.
  11. Now let me get this straight. I applaud what we did during world war 2 and the Korean war. If it's a REAL threat, fucking squash it. But shady brown sticky stuff like "terror" nah. Too much to be skeptic about. I named my Runescape account Chesty Puller FFS. The most badass Marine to ever step on Guadalcanal.
  12. Spending trillions of dollars for a short term goal is what I would call a bad investment. Short term goals are why we even ended up in this situation. I do understand the need for a large military to an extent. It's because of our large military that people look to us to get them out of all their troubles, because they know we're capable and our military presence around the world obviously shows that. Why spend money to fix your problems when you can just call the guy next door with the big guns to fix them for you? Our large military presence is partly the reason why we are expected to solve every little problem that other countries need to learn how to solve themselves. Because of our large military we have turned independent countries into dependent countries that get pissed every single time we are reluctant to do anything for them. It's like the MM and HF alliance back in 2010-2011. We are in a financial crisis, we can't be spending money on things we can't afford. We were already reluctant on getting involved in the middle east due to that and that was 15 years ago, now we're fucked on both ends. We've made more enemies and fucked up the debt crisis. We can NOT be spending MORE money on brown sticky stuff that will keep us obligated to solving other peoples problems. Yes we need a military during peace times but I don't think we should keep a big one. We have bases in too many countries where we don't need them. A large upkept navy and a few drones here and there with a sizeable marine corps would keep our enemies reluctant enough. The world has changed a lot over the last century. Now we are all connected through way of the internet and trade. We have a navy that could completely crush a nation financially, and we have a Marine Corps that has proven itself to be more than enough to be a quick and devastating force. People are scared enough of our drones.
  13. You're an tomato. South Korea would demolish North Korea in the short span of a week. North Korea may have numbers, but they don't have the technology or munitions to even arm their troops. They're still using equipment from the fucking 40s and 50s. South Korea ftw hashwanstrongestpureklen2014
  14. We over glorify the fuck out of our military and don't tell me that's not true. I'm fucking sick of it. We live in a society that pressures our young men to join the military for "freedom, democracy, and your right to live a happy fucking life". It's all bullbrown sticky stuff. Nowadays kids sign that contract because they either want the fucking benefits which we can't afford or they were gullible enough to believe everything society told them. Then there are the masses that aimlessly show incredible gratitude towards the military saying brown sticky stuff like "respect your soldiers because they died so you can do whatever the fuck you want to do" because they live in a society that guilts the brown sticky stuff out of them for not going overseas to fight another mans unjustified war. We can go on all day back and forth if being involved in the middle-east is really protecting our country but let me tell you this. How the fuck are we going to tell people that we need to fight the "bad guys" in the middle east to protect our country when we're not doing a damn thing to simply protect our fucking borders from people we have no record of whatsoever. They are literally driving them here in bus loads. This mentality has been twisted way out of proportion. I've been on both sides of the spectrum. I signed that contract to serve straight after high school and I was on track to ship to parris island, my uncle is the head operations officer in Orange county for the recruiting headquarters and I helped him around the office to get a better perspective of things. I was gullible and naive. I convinced myself that destroying another mans country and way of life is the only way we can keep America safe from "terror". Half way through it I woke the fuck up and I'm glad I didn't walk onto that bus because if I did I would be supporting everything I was against. I am not a pacifist but I do not promote war either. War should be the last thing to come up in the political thought process. I believe war should only be waged in the defense of your countries and If that time ever comes I'll be the first to sign up. Anyways, I'm broccolied. broccolied enough to read your comments. Discuss.
  15. Good move. Can't expect change without action and a positive direction.
  16. But you're ranked 9 on hunter. You're already perfect bro.
  17. Get your brown sticky stuff together. LPC's aren't supposed to allow multi clanning, and they sure as hell aren't supposed to have 50 fucking lvl 80-100s either. The whole reason you even exist is to give new clans some fun competition and a chance to rise up in the ranks. New clans are supposed to be recruiting new people into the community, not constantly trying to recruit recycled members only making our community worse. The community is dying because we haven't had a real LPC scene in a LONG time. It's been you either do something miraculous and pull 40 members out of your ass or Fatality is going to shred you to bits excluding you from a decent trip. Stay true to your requirements and learn the difference between LPC's and HPC's. There's no point if you keep doing what you're doing. Stop worrying about what the other clans say about you and start worrying about how you're going to raise up an independent community that doesn't rely on wins to have fun. A lot of you LPC's are ready to move up to mpc levels now. So either do it or gtfo brooooo. You shouldn't have opened a clan if you were already in one to begin with. And you shouldn't have joined a clan if you were already a part of one. The only exception should be one main clan, and one pure clan. That's it. Pledge your allegiance to one clan or don't clan at all. I know it's easy to recruit members from hpc's simply because it means more action for them. But step up and do the work to recruit valuable members who will be loyal to your clan instead of people who are only in it for the luls. How the fuck do you expect to ever step up if the second you step up you lose over half your member base? Logic PLEASE! Rant over. LEADERS STOP BEING A BUNCH OF SAGGY OLD BEEF CURTAINED VAGINAS.
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