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Posts posted by dozin

  1. 17 hours ago, Black God Breed said:

    Pretty sad you guys allow your ranks to dox others because they're "mad" but when something actually happens to one of your ranks and he responds then they get demoted.

    Then again i'm not really surprised lol you demoted i think dull? For telling tyen on a public topic why he brought mains and demoted him too...but allow ranks to dox.

    BTW don't make topics asking why us lpc's don't want do your brown sticky stuffty little tourneys when this is what you allow on your community LOL


  2. 1 hour ago, Meet Them With Scims said:

    I thought it was very clear my members don't care...

    You haven't gave any action to Fs since we opened apart from 3-4 fightes, why would you now? I'll keep bullying ob, make them end to inners, not a problem :P

    how does it feel being a snake, trying to snake every possible member u can, and then losing to the clan u snaked on?

    oh and btw how does it feel that EoP is focusing on FOE and now gives no fucks about FS and only helps u brown sticky stuffters on the weekends?

    oh and again, thoughts on 3-0?

  3. What is your real life name?


    What are your hobbies?

    Mechanics, racing, pentesting, and gaming

    What is your RuneScape history?

    Been playing and building pures since I saw Yankin Deez's videos back in '05

    What are your goals for your RuneScape account?

    Maxing my NH account. almost there

    What clan are you in?

    Outburst and looking to join an LPC eventually

    Anything else:


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