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lil keef 2x

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Posts posted by lil keef 2x

  1. 17 hours ago, OG Fishsticks said:

    Cd are the awkward kids in school that get picked on for being weird so they come online pretending to be ethugs.  Once something doesn't go their way, they resort to bringing mains, ddosing, doxing, etc.  Honestly I'm disappointed that someone as old as TBR still plays the game like a 13 yr old kid.  Imagine being a full grown adult arguing with little kids over a pixelated game, saying stuff like "no fair your clan beat me! im gonna camp you with mains!!"  These rejects need to grow up, they blame others for the pure scene dieing when in actuality they're the first clan to use mains/return in one-item/rag other clans when things dont go their way.  No wonder they've closed 10 times already.



    who's mans is this?

  2. i don't get the " you invited snipe teams and still...", wouldn't that be a disadvantage because you have people who are randomly skilled and have 0 teamwork experience as its matched opts so unlike the wildy a snipe team would make 0 difference if not worse for a clan.

  3. 4 hours ago, TheReal said:

    True I cba coming back, I closed CD and bt really doesn't make me wanna play runescape again

    lol what? last time i checked when cd and fs were in the scene envy quit going out on weekends and were contemplating a scene change to lpc but once they heard the competition was going lpc they went super xlpc lol to avoid the smoke making lvl 30-50s

  4. 1 hour ago, 0ldschooler said:

    I remember perfecting CD 90vs90 on top of corp hill, at the start of new lpc era. barely any mains were involved in the fight(surprisingly).

    If thats your best caller..

    correlation and causation my friend, a good caller can still lose a fight when the members aren't performing, i also remember hpc cd was winning over eop which as your clan was around longer in the scene you would of had more experienced members =p

  5. 2 hours ago, 17_ said:



    Gj @Ted @holydreams ruined fo's legacy lmfao, great job fellas

    circling your own mains rofl, notice the top left corner,  the so called mains not hitting eop capes, then we see the bottom left where the main is attacking the one with the def cape who is aiming at other team 30 capes, another main circled which is capeless walking through eop not being hit, ohh and the whole right section of mains ignoring eop south of them and the eop members ignoring them... hmm seems kinda fishy... 

  6. Can promise you ub is not scared. The stalemate between ub and foe is, foe wants a 60v60 which is 80% of ub's ML. And ub want a lower opt prep. Has nothing to do with scared

    i mean ur asking us basically to sit more members then we would actually have in the prep lol, ur asking for what 30v30 lol so we sit like 60 lmfao  

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