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Status Updates posted by Vegan

  1. Imagine never giving your clan fullouts lmfao, it must actually suck to be apart of something like that on a video game

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. narc


      hahaha eop sucks lmfao !!!!!!

    3. Vegan


      lol this 17 guy spends too much time on rs

    4. Law Abiding Citizen

      Law Abiding Citizen

      Yeah it it really suck that adhi refuses fullout declarations from both eop and tlp. Nobody else has declined more fullouts than [fo]adhi l0l

  2. EOP will dispute FOE topics instead of just accepting our fullout and beating us

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vegan


      So instead of accepting a declaration to fight with pures you'll continue to bring 20+ mains to save your dying clan?


    3. 0ldschooler


      no i will bring 20+ mains to kill your dying clan, hehe

    4. Knox


      easy for eop lmfao

  3. nvm I've been told 17 is watching every single EOP vid frame by frame from today and looking for mains in team-30

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vegan
    3. 0ldschooler


      only in your mind, hold onto that thought

    4. Vegan


      but you've lost everything to us, hence making us #1

  4. Did someone tell this 17 guy he's getting Leader


  5. Imagine being in a community college frat

  6. They won't #AcceptIT

  7. FOE has already bullied EOP so much that they've finally gone back to their old ways of 20+ mains at an F2P trip

  8. FOE is #1

    1. Kiwis


      well eop defo is #1 lmfao

    2. F2p2007


      Eop lives in Foe's shadow

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