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Everything posted by pkerowner666

  1. Outleveled hard but we stuck in it. Was fun eop
  2. lol been in it for 6+ years. please be quiet. Point is proven here, you would rather start something then reply to a topic
  3. for them it is.... this community is in the toilet, miss the old pure community.
  4. the amount of BM... lol They can't learn
  5. nothing like ZU starting more shet. gotta love this community
  6. Nicely done. Can't wait for all Lpc's to prep and p2p.
  7. Would any other clans be interested in a fun little castle wars event. We could put 2-3 clans on each side and see who would come out on top. Could go into a random world and have a fun little Castle wars battle. Any thoughts?
  8. It's alright you all did good. Wanna see you out there puttin' in work
  9. look how butthurt Zu gets, they make an tomatoic topic and praise it. When there is a truthful one they flame it. Good job CV
  10. you literally give people cancer with these posts...
  11. like I said, none of you can count. Go back to 3rd grade babes Cv don't even bother with em, they make tomato topics so let em be.
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