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Everything posted by iMethz

  1. i would buy 2m but don't trust you
  2. And what do you mean by this? C ya tommorow? LOOL, what a joke lmfaooo
  3. Finding out BT was out, 20 hungry Pheonix grouped up to devour the BT rats
  4. looks like one heck of an unstable clan. Apps are open www.nbk-rs.com
  5. I love how BT always fights on our topics for real xD
  6. Funny how a clan stops brown sticky stuff talking, after realizing how bad they are. GF and hope you enjoyed your Bad Time LOL
  7. BT sucks LOOOL @PICwarior381 @PICwarrior381 @bt black son @BT Whip
  8. Lmfao you look like rats when you fight OB. Getting massacred with no effort.
  9. BT dieing already lmfao??? where's your 50 man pull. Dead clan
  10. BT can't do anything besides crash. Can't compete with the big gangs. Now stfu cutie, your clans already dieing.
  11. lmfao, where in the world do you see a proper fight. All I see is a bunch of noobs grouping together into masses, then thinking they are good, when they are actually brown sticky stuff
  12. Your a brocolli rank in BT LOOOL, random.
  13. The only time u won us was when u had numbers, no quality. 7 vs 30. Use your brain dumbass
  14. join NBK http://nbk-rs.com/
  15. funny how BT thinks they're good lool
  16. U niggas need to chill lmfao, drop the disrespects
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