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Everything posted by Titans

  1. still waiting on @slushpuppeh to respond to a single message I posted on this thread.
  2. @slushpuppeh we've brought up our dispute to any and all people that will listen. You have no evidence and this is fake news. Hotkeying didn't message anyone. This was all to justify a SB rank who dox'd and still has his rank in discord. Slush could not be more biased against IR if he tried.
  3. Moving up is winning IMO. xLPC clans should be striving to move up. IF you are trying to stay xLPC forever then you already lost.
  4. Weird how Slush was back tracking from a lot of his claims earlier. IR staff has yet to be provided a single piece of credible evidence. Slush even said today it wasn't on social media in SB discord. Not sure why these allegations are allowed be posted still. It was a solid try for SB to move the mark off their rank (who is still gatekeeper in discord and mutes me btw) who dox'd by fabricating some fake news about an IR member. Too bad everyone saw right through it once you guys refused to share any evidence. Even @Kim herself said SUPs evidence fell flat.
  5. There is nothing damaging to IR because Hotkeying didn't message anyone on facebook. Point blank, it is that simple. This is fake news to justify the horrid actions of a SB mod.
  6. The allegations Hotkeying messaged anyone on facebook, let alone Phil's family is erroneous. We, as a community, should be careful about automatically accepting claims to be true before a shred of credible evidence has been put forth...this is a bad precedent to set. To add: Isn't it strange there is no mention of the above referenced allegations in this topic where Slush explains? Seems odd that they would only come out much later when Phil was making an "apology" :thinking:
  7. The community has grown in the past year. Some of you are clouded by your own leaders failures to see that. IR alone has introduced a couple 100 if not half a thousand people to the community in the past year. As I've said before, if the former LPC people who've run away to xLPC moved back up there would be even more clans and better action/exposure for the entire community. We have a great product here that is far better than some brown sticky stuff ironman training slayer, but many of you would rather be failures than pull your clan out of a ditch or promote the community as a whole. As it relates to defense, the only clans that do not bring mains or kids with 20-39 defense are IR, Apex and FI. The rest of you are in full control of your actions and can decide not to "cheat" whenever you'd like. Most normal members don't enjoy fighting mains on the weekend. Simple as that. I would say the past few weekends there has been one very bright shining point and that is the rise of anti-crashing. I've seen EOP, FI, APEX and IR all engage in anti-crashing for various fights which has dramatically increased the amount of clean action. Additionally some clans have proven able to use their brains enough to actually coordinate a team on crash with has further limited the amount of crashing and thus pro-longed cleaner action.
  8. Not going to read 4 pages of garbage. I agree that xLPC does well to bring new blood into the community, but it also should not be a focal point. As it stands, there are at least 2-3 clans worth of people who exclusively xLPC for whatever reason. The scene and both communities would benefit much more if xLPC clans actively tried to move up rather than hold themselves down artificially. In regards to making tanks...if you enjoy that go find the nearest bridge and take a leap.
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