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Everything posted by Murd

  1. Yes lets boot people for how they single pk one time! Lets be glad you aren't a leader then, else you'd have a low number of members ;p And ofc singles pking represents multi pking lol!!!
  2. By taking things seriously, I think you are the one who's the disgrace. Have a glass of water broski. I must have forgotten how relevant singles fights are to anyone, going by the SV and RD fullout h4h4
  3. With a title "eop quality boys", I expected to see something criticizing some EoP members. Exited out of the vid after the vidders dds poke which happened basically straight away. :kanye:
  4. :c Will miss you, those BH/PVP times were probably near the most fun I've had on Rs Also the shenanigans you got into on my account pre eoc
  5. America: Cheyenne England: Flurky Canadian: Solo, Milky Australia: Braiden/Braden New Zealand: Jeff Netherlands: Wesley Belgium: Allen Swedish: Finnish: Lonely (I think he was Finnish, if not, soz) Other:
  6. Murd


    Looks like another hand workout for females?!
  7. I don't really categorize my favorites, as long as the music is good, I'm fine with it, regardless of genre.
  8. Murd


    Welcome Goopy
  9. Murd

    Pew Pew

    What is your real life name? Nick What are your hobbies? Anything fun, etc What is your RuneScape history? EoP - 2+ Years What are your goals for your RuneScape account? Maxing and what not, maybe on some spare pures as well. What clan are you in? EoP (Manager) Anything else: Recently turned 17, enjoy clanning in general and enjoying myself with various other activities.
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