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Everything posted by ELEKTHEGREAT

  1. U got deleted lmfao keep Add another clan so u can convince people there is a good excuse on why u lost
  2. Today proccy's daily dose of autism came in the shape of another propaganda topic where he confesses -once again- his weird obsession with clan Fi and its members So i decided to have some fun and reply using exclusively pictures from fop's 3 losing povs posted in their aftermath : fop starts trip sitting in their favorite instant tele spot with 30 mains ,and refuses to move in fear of losing their mains advantage : the pic shows mains and mains disguised in pure gear : 2. Analysing brain's pov when fi teled out up 50 the first fight: -brains is not in the fight as he's dead like the rest of foe. -his pov deletes the part where fi teles out because it will clearly show his clan down 50 from 100 to 30. -the pov shows 30 foe capes bankstanding at edgeville while foe didn't tele out yet. (that's in edge alone LMFAO) 3. Analysing teleporting's pov : -teleporting isn't at the first fight either when fi teles out because he was dead like his clan. -teleporting's pov shows 30 foe capes at the bank and 12 purple dots spawning in edge the 20 secs he was in there (5:03 to see for yourself) -this pov shows clearly fi's dominance the second fight : 4. Analysing usma's pov : -this guy is something else,checkout how he plays runescape.com: - he starts the pov with 524 kills and 238 death and ends with 524 kills still but 243 deaths (LMFAO): -his pov shows fop with 30 opts when Fi teles out (there was no one east proccy stop being delusional). 5. fop's frustration from losing the fight despite having mains and clans helping them shown in their own cc :
  3. No one is campin you're just shit Nice pov keep praying range
  4. It's cringe that u actually claim that ly teams with us when they have crashed everytime from our side sandwishing us if anything it's your positioning + u hsd shit ton of tanks in p2p in a instastand return spot Why in the world any clan will continue fighting u when you're down 50
  5. U did not have 70 people at corp Fight 2 u got bodied u cant use other clans hitting u first as an excuse of getting destroyed u pulled 100 with 30 tanks and u litterally been doing that to us whenever u were scared Not out problem your clan is full of pussies that can't fight anywhere but in ca :the instant tele spot that crashing/teaming up is the most effective End of the day u got bodied ofc u gon look for every excuse in the book that's what foe does
  6. Thanks for understanding maybe ur clan will become number 1 when the average trip is 6 hours
  7. U did get destroyed for 2 hours yday but ill give u the last 15 mins of the fight u guys deserved it
  8. it's in the best interest of the pure community if you provide what has happened to your scummy ranks
  9. ? with that iq level it will take you some time it has everything to do with what's happening, the clan that is ran by the biggest doxers and ddosers in the scene are playing victim trying to slander fi's name by posting screenie of a member's action that we had nothing to do with
  10. Quode has already been dealt with but what did they to you? Literally nothing but claiming you were "trolling" in your own admin boards
  11. Lmfao if u didnt get help how come u've been getting raped in every 1v1 for the whole year with the same people and the same callers also losing to every clan in clws Must be magic
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