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Everything posted by H88

  1. they also couldn't even pull at 3est so they spastically demanded it an hour early and couldn't wait for me to spend 30 mins waking up when they knew i'm pacific. these finns are even more mongolian than tom on the call how the fuck that works out? broken tooth ass fake scandinavians.
  2. AHAHHAHAHAHAHHA oh man I just saw the end of the vid I missed the part where they try to make it look like I disconnected from the call there were 3 of us on the call and there was only one disconnect sound. that's also where your audio cuts off. HAHAHHAHAA DUDE THEY HAD TO GO BACK AND PROBABLY HAD A WHOLE STAFF MEETING TO COME UP WITH A PLAN TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE ASAP DIDNT RAGE QUIT FROM THE CALL
  3. this is a true statement. i told them i would teach lvl 40 edgeville recruits how to close them and we did it in 3 weeks L[][][][][][][][]L after two weeks they had a hard time pulling 10
  4. https://youtu.be/YrHNQPx-TZY?t=227 second best time stamp. asap is on voice admitting to bringing 17+ and claiming 15 on screen, simultaneously. the best part still is how asap left in that super long pause after i troll him with ambush. he couldn't leave in what he was saying but BOY HOWDY was he shook for a good 15 seconds there. right after is pretty funny too, when they amateurishly try to make me think there was a leak on my trip when they pretty obviously told LY about our PKRI to schedule the one they held with them right after. do you guys really think that works? maybe asap wasn't just pretending to be dumb?
  5. ambush closed after i posted 9 kill screens of their leader in w8 from the same day. they got banned from the wildy we did it to them for a month straight. they closed shop right when the @ mention hit yo asap you can un block me when you've over your temper tantrum and we can post both sides of the audio this time !! is disconnecting from a call and blocking the actions of an un-shook man?
  6. o man the best part is how asap only leaves his voice in at the end where he kinda composed himself
  7. no i actually did close that ambush, but not the original one. if you were on w8 discord when they closed u'd know all about it.
  8. In their haste they forgot to edit out that they were obviously cheating in a friendly
  9. haha he leaves the rage quit in at the end too try keeping your cool next time ASAP even with the edits, you can hear him stumbling to make excuses and not having anything to say for himself from bits of the mic echo. he even left his rage-disconnect in. "lmao what, that ambush in xlpc isn't even the real ambush they were open for like 4 months max l00l" ez bait but you cant hear his response from ASAP so it doesn't sound the same with the edits. he actually got shook and started saying Northern only goes out once a week you can't do anything to us it was so funny. During that long delay of pause where he edited himself out and I say "yes" after. you shud be able to tell from my tone of voice im having a hard time not giggling. "On the other hand, this man acts like Tribe is going to actually make an impact on a community that doesn't even know they exist." that was a possibility, but you'd be surprised. my response was pretty reasonable to bringing double opts to a friendly and spastically demanding it an hour earlier than requested BRUV asap done with the temper tantrum yet? VC me and lets post a conversation where they can hear you!
  10. laid it out pretty reasonable there whyd you edit out your own voice?
  11. Yes we negotiated time in GMT. The stupid western mongolian team couldn't even show up on time. How'd they not know their own country's +2?? Its been 30 hours, ASAP cooled down from his fit yet?
  12. Seems like I did a pretty good job of getting you and ASAP worked up. He can un block me and call any time when he cools off from his temper tantrum.
  13. Looking back on it, Northern also lied about the time of the event, and could not pull at the correct time. ASAP told me to ask my UK members and I was told by them that Northern are dipshits who probably think London is GMT. Every world clock website agrees with me. If you look at the times on the chat logs I already posted, ASAP claims that 7 GMT is 11am PST and 2pm EST. Don't you live in Europe? Common theme here, lies. Not a good idea to schedule events with Northern! Big Yikes all around. Lies about OPS Lies to their own members Lies scheduling a friendly Not a good look.
  14. 2 of my high staff were in call and one recorded. We know what happened. You can always un block and call my DM's are open and I'm online 24/7. We can record the call and I'll youtube it here. The last time I told you this you blocked me though. The screenshots are up above. "If you still want to keep flaming, talking shit about me and my team and making weird accusations of us bringing mains go ahead." You tried to pull toxic behavior on a new clan and got put in your place because were testing to see how you would behave. You're in DM's straight up lying to your members and now you're on SB doing the same. I posted proof of everything including your own vid (thanks) and you have nothing to back up your claims. I don't need to lie to my members, I told them we were testing you guys and to expect something like this. I encouraged them all to read this thread in our public announcements today, to show them the difference there is being in a skids clan vs a professional one. I can delete the posts any time if you call me and say you are sorry. Its obvious you're shook up and in damage control mode right now. Quit acting dumb bro. You posted a video that opens with this: You made a rookie mistake, you posted that you lied in your own vid. You did not expect to get called on it and you don't know how to handle it. You couldn't even keep your cool on a VC or privately in DM's with me that's why I'm posting. Your own members are replying to this thread before your post saying that you lied to them and told them Tribe brought 20+.
  15. You don't understand? It was a friendly match to feel your team out to see if we would ever give you action. Your leader is screen shotted flat out admitting he cheated and you guys posted a video showing it very obviously. I could have logged out a ton of accounts at dwarves, done whatever to you guys. But my intent was to decide if Northern was toxic and worthy of a presence in the community. It looks like you needed a big morale boost because I can't think of other reasons why your leaders would lie to you. It must not be going so well for Northern lately. Tribe will not accept any events from Northern, and encourages all GMT clans/teams to consider doing the same to keep the scene less toxic. If this is how they act on a friendly match, just imagine. Yike! When your leader cools down he can un block me and I might be willing to delete my posts for an apology but you're not going to get events.
  16. 27 seconds timestamp on the video, if you look south you can clear as day see northern logging in a pure. The start of your vid shows 17 walking in. Towards the middle of the video you can see Northern log in a main account in mystics and kodai. Your leader came to me and begged me for a friendly pkri.
  17. anyone can ask you to sit 30 and log in accounts. 27 second timestamp on vid
  18. what are you actually on about? i pmed your leader my exact ops with cb levels. Northern was also clearly the team that delayed the PKRI. Your leader PMed me all morning saying they can't pull 15 and I posted the screenshots. You have 17 running into the fight on video and there is a login from hard south @ 27 seconds in the video, quite clearly, so you were also logging in accounts. There's an account with full mystics and a Kodi wand in the vid too. YIKES
  19. I was in constant communication with ASAP, who was clearly telling me you were down opts and saying you couldn't pull, while telling him i was coming out with 12 and level 70's because he said you couldn't pull 15. The screenshots are all timestamped and there were multiple witnesses to the voice call where he rage-quit from the call when I asked him why he did that and then vidded it on a friendly match. Just the fact you're on here posting and there's a thread is proof your leader lied to you. Whats this shit? 2010? over a friendly? Yike. With the time, I gave him the time in 4 timezones. If it was off in his, he should have corrected when I said "I'm PST correct me if anything is wrong" and I can post a screengrab of that too if you really want. He told me you couldn't pull at the agreed time (I could, but I asked for a half hour to wake up) so I went and made a cup of tea while I waited for him to say he finally had 15. Proof already posted above. Its pretty pathetic that you made me sit 20 players for this and wasted my time, for a friendly match with one of the only LPCs that gives GMT events. Other clan ranks should take from this. Especially with the maturity level of your leader, being unable to answer for himself on a voice call with our staff and rage-disconnecting to block us when confronted. I scouted your PKRI's after mine and you had mains around the fight as well, and I know your accounts from other CC's you guys hang out in. Staff in other projects should consider all of this when asking "Should we give Northern action?" Tribe's third founding principal is transparency. We don't have to lie and cheat, let alone to our own members and ranks.
  20. vid mirrored for when they delete or edit it
  21. time to find a new vidder, left this in 17 right there just on one screen an account logs in south @ 27 seconds and there's clearly a main with kodi and mystics towards the middle of the vid
  22. ran into these boys at revs, seemed like they were starved for action so we talked a little and asap agreed to do a friendly novid match to feel out future events since there's not much action for those gmt teams and i wanted to help em out a little. im a nice guy. we had 50 online and could have logged more people but i wanted to test them a little, since they came to me begging for action in the first place and seemed pretty chill when i've worked with them as staff in other projects. they had to tell their members we pulled 20, i also heard 25. thats why you can't see us on the vid that much. but there was something fucked up with google and it wouldn't help a yankee cunt like me figure out the time in western mongolia or wherever these guys are from. he pmed me all morning saying he was having trouble pulling but hey, he wouldn't lie or anything right? surely there's no fuckery about? i didnt even bring the agreed upon 15 we havent used our teamspeak in over a month he was telling his members at edgeville and in their voice that tribe brought 20, and 25 after all this, being approached, trying to give them a friendly event, agreeing to fight down ops etc.. asap can't even get on a voice call! yikes! imagine posting like 3 seconds of vid bringing double ops to fight my level 70s, imagine asking me to fight down ops because you're worried about getting slammed by level 70 accounts. imagine that being your whole midweek
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