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Everything posted by Control

  1. Went out to another Sunday P2P Trip, starting at 54 Wolves, peaking just under 60 during the trip! Started off by smoking SF at bandits, then had a 2v1 vs SF and DC at CA OG also showed up at CA and were removed quickly! Had some fun clusters at Bandits, that were crashed by SF and their 20 man pull, but they were swiftly deleted from the wilderness time and time again. Near the end of the trip, SF tried to have a "return fight" at Bandits, while being down 25 opts on IO. They were farmed for multiple +1's, and after a while they stopped returning. Once they stopped returning for nearly 15 whole minutes, IO ended and went edge bank, where SF showed up to spam us to fake their win. Imagine being in a clan that forces you to stay logged out for 15 minutes until the other clan ends just to spam them at bank. Not a good look SF! GFs to DC + OG + SUP + BP + FI + Z Aftermath Video:
  2. Went out to test new BH and explore multi tonight, started mass with 25 opts, peaking just below 30 during the trip Found some LY fellas at Bandits and smited a Toxic staff from one of them. Then went up to GDZ and found SF, swiftly cleared them before SV crashed. Then baited SF into gdz, gwassed them but Foe arrived and cleared the rest of SF before SV once again logged in and crashed. After a while we found DR and while having a friendly conversation with them, some main clan called "TheBoys" hit us. Had about 45min+ fight with them and ended after that! GF's to all Video:
  3. photoshopped the perfection didnt actually happen dw
  4. Went back out again to Sunday P2P and had out lowest pull this year (many were unable to attend) Only pulled 45 to start, peaking at just below 50 during the trip Still managed to go out and have fun in clusters and get some nice clears/clips! GFs to Sup + Zenith + BP + DC weeb clan strong when small Aftermath Videos
  5. Not sure who nate is, but Fib, cole, maqic, and finn are all in IO. Feel free to ask them yourselves. Fib joined last week, and others have joined during this week.
  6. Holy fuck last round was intense TY for mini LY! TY For keeping it friendly
  7. Had a fun friendly event 20v20 vs Hydra in cwa! Used random maps for fun Ty for fights HY Aftermath Videos: Official Vid: Member Vids:
  8. After we ended our Sunday P2P trip, we found SF flaming some of our guys, so we remassed and headed out CA for a PKRI. We peaked at 50 mid fight! SF broke fairly quickly, and we farmed them for 3 hours straight IO Official Waifu even gave speech flaming SF If you see 1 or 2 meds in IO capes, refer to the first 3 minutes of footage of SF meds camping our vidder. Farmed K/D way too easy tbh and TY for the +1's weeb clan wayyyyyy too strong Aftermath Video Timestamps cos we both know you won't watch the whole thing: 0:12 SPEEEEEEEEECH 0:47 meds camping vidder for 3 minutes 4:05 300x speed footage from the fight 9:27 "ur losing" 9:47 first full clear CA 15:25 yet another FULL clear CA 16:23 ANOTHER full clear CA 16:56 CA full cleared once again 19:40 "Your car isn't returning why are you?" 19:45 clearing Ca, then corp, then ca again, then corp 20:55 another full clear 22:07 full cleared from CA and corp 22:42 38 cape counter at corp hill SF cleared x200 23:05 "sf closed" 23:42 sf banned from wildy 24:23 SF not returning anymore 24:40 ending spams 25:27 "ending with 49" 26:03 victory lap at fog (sf hiding) 27:58 SF went edge bank and ended BTW Still can't figure out why SF stopped fighting back
  9. Went back out again to Sunday P2P and pulled 50+ nice and early, peaking at 55 during the trip Had fun fights with all clans and everyone managed to keep it friendly as possible also! *Part 2 of our Sunday coming soon (3 hour PKRI destroying SF)* GFs to FOE + FI + Zenith + BP + LY weeb clan still too strong Aftermath Videos
  10. Ty Hydra for the Prep! Good to see you guys in F2P Score: 2-1 Video:
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