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E0P Chaldean

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Everything posted by E0P Chaldean

  1. Ty for prep hard work and the right attitude brought the pirates to this stage watch out pure world
  2. Good job boys pulling 50s in 30mins thats how we do it
  3. lol RD. They are those kids in those special buses
  4. One of the last respectable clans zu thanks for the prep. Always good fights with you guys what a shame fi wanted to flame us. Looks like their crumbling
  5. They get bullied when they were pures. they get bullied by mains they get bullied when their mains by pures. face palm
  6. Gj zu probably the only respectable clan other then the other wanab's
  7. looking good welcome to the pure community. Hope you guys fight us pirates
  8. Goodjob fellow pirates Red Reign has started
  9. #clan-eop www.eop-rs.com Choose wisely and join our dominant reign
  10. Respect to AU for stepping up we were too strong for you guys gj everyone
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