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Rofl, CD has so many kids with 20 def. Yet they're there preaching about 1-4 def only.


CD say's they kicked swag of rs, yet Don is threatening to unleash swag and his mains. Slipped up there. Btw, he already brings them, so threat is pointless.


ST/Envy have so many kids with 20 def, no one mentions them moving to MPC.


UB have a few kids above 10 def, no one bats an eye.


OP is the same


Actually, every clan is the same, even Doom.


Our ML has 5 kids with 20 def, 3 wear robes, 2 wear mith. All of a sudden, the world loses there head and Doom is suddenly pushing for MPC lmao.


We haven't updated the 1-13 def thing on our forums, love how it's being used as propaganda. We have a tank test icon on TS, yet everyone thinks it means 20 def icon lmfao.


When MF loses to UB in the wild, all of a sudden Doom was helping, If they lose to Doom in the wild, UB was helping us.


If UB are not out, and MF loses to Doom, Doom had mains. Vice versa if UB was out and Doom wasn't.


Doom pulls 70+ every weekend since we opened. All of a sudden cause DMM is out, Doom pulls 60 and is slumping.


MF loses to Doom in 3/4 fights, unbiased bystanders agreed Doom won at GDZ and Fog, all of a sudden MF beats us down 30 in every fight.



You kids are pathetic.

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