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Bama Hick

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Posts posted by Bama Hick

  1. Oh btw Olympus, I counted about relevant 7 30 defs, 5 is a fair compromise



    declaration rules regarding lvl caps will be added later.


    ok @@slushpuppy since it's been almost a week now, we stay the same counter 90 cap (very fair especially with them limiting def)

    7 EST Start today 

    5 kids with 30 def

    @@Ir0ny see you there


    These rules have been fair and available for almost a week and you guys expected us to be prepared in 1.5 days.

    Our time Stands today 7 EST.

    Given all the bickering and bullbrown sticky stuff you whined about time/day was never once whined about in 4 pages of crying so I expect to see you there.

    Olympus will be there.


    I already have a 30v30 and a 50v50 to worry about on the back side of this week, you have have plenty of opportunity to prepare for this @ruin



    @@Bama Hick

    you don't make the rules, MPC is certainly not 30-35 def just because your cancer clan accepts it. Saturday trips are not the same as preps mate, any random can show up in addy on a hpc account wearing your clan cape. Ruin is mostly 1-25 def and any 30 def accounts that are on our ML are mistakes, we don't allow them to participate in preps



    Key word "mostly" you still have and accept 30+ def also if we want to go back about a year I remember when OP was only 1-20 def and Ruin brought more addy than any clan because of their tlp ties


    just like mpc is not 92 combat cap because only you said it should be unitl imp opened on their hpc accounts and supported that (or higher)


    I made a clear point that every single clan including ruin has 30 def which makes it fair.


    You made a claim, I proved you just running your mouth.


    In the end it's simple this counter declaration was found fair, you had plenty time to prepare, we're done here @@slushpuppy made his comment.

    We will see you tomorrow @7 EST 


    You want your fight you got it, now shut the fuck up with your crying and show up

  3. LOL @ trying to get out of the prep. We don't even take addy on our trips, and if someone happens to bring a 30 def account we tell them off and tell them to use a 1-25 def account. You are straight up lying at this point.


    Even if we were to fight you with 30 def cap we would have to agree to the time and date of the fight. Thats how the system works god bless.

    I helped Slushpuppy make the new system we are using so stop acting like you know what you are doing and acting like what you say is what is going to happen.


    I will await the opinion of @@slushpuppy @@Braden @ @ @@Moni


    and see what they have to say. Once and for all, Ruin has offered you an exception which is already against the sharkbrew counter declaration rules and you won't even take that.




    It's not against the rules, you're just preaching that in hopes that you wont have to fight us 30 def cap, but every mpc has 30-35 and you claim #1 mpc l0l but you won't even fight @mpc def lvls when you personally raised the mpc combat cap which is even more of a disgrace l0l.


    oh yea @@Ir0ny lie more



    first 10 seconds


    also from 2 weeks ago




    Addy on your trips

  4. 1. Yes that is 100% how they work lmfao there is specific rules and you just straight up broke them #olympus LOL

    2. Ruin has always declared with 20 def cap maybe the odd 25 def cap. it's not my fault your clan accepts 39 defence, its a disgrace tot he MPC scene. I shouldn't be punished for having actual pures in my clan.

    3. Show me proof of Ruin ever declaring with 30+ def cap?

    4. @@slushpuppy said it would be fair, I don't agree and neither do a lot of people. He did however say we should discuss it and I am trying, you aren't

    5. If we were scared we wouldn't have declared. As I said, you only want to change the rules because you know we won't fight you with all of that 30 defence. We will however give you a chance to make it fair. It's 100% unfair if you have all your members with 30 def when most of ours are 1 defence.

    6. @@slushpuppy can read the responses and decide once and for all if that's what you want. We will not be there tomorrow though because your counter isn't valid, on top of that we haven't agreed to those times so I advise you nto to show up tomorrow until both Ruin and Olympus come to an agreement of times and rules. As that is the point of the declaration system,


    Like I said you have 1 week to make an attempt at trying to make things fair. Pathetic that you won't even try because you have only ever prepped Ruin when you think you have a solid advantage over us.


    Good day sir.

    it's funny because that is the specific rules


    also you say you don't have 30 def or a majority of 30 def but your weekend trips are flooded with addy. Why might that be did jagex make an update where 1 def can wear addy?


    Also you say you aren't scared then fight, you say defense isn't fair, but every clan has it including you. You would be more of a fool than you are making yourself if you don't realize that combat itself is made to show what accounts are stronger than others by jagex and it is the same thing here.


    You choose to sacrifice strength/range/magic and your damage in return for defense/prayer/ to what is still accepted as a pure which apparently these days is -35 defense, @@slushpuppy himself made the mpc tie breaker 35 def, and Olympus has countered with 30 which is very fair and feasible. 


    So you can decline your own counter declaration, but Olympus is showing up. We are in the rules and the counter declaration is valid, not by me, but @@slushpuppy said himself the 30 def is reasonable. We tried discussing on IRC and we've tried here, but since you're not cooperating, the counter declaration stands, and Olympus is showing up tomorrow, hopefully Ruin will stop being all talk and back it up, and show up to their own declaration (lol)


    P.S. You say you aren't scared that's why you declared, then show the fuck up it's your P2P Prep when Olympus doesn't even do P2P anyways l0l. 


    You claim to be #1 P2P Mpc and OP doesn't even P2P but you're crying on your own declaration. Way to have ruin pride man ruin must be #1

  5. Firstly that is wrong we declared on Apex with a 20 def cap mate? We don't have any reason to ever allow 30 def cap



    @@Bama Hick I don't care what you say on the matter mate. I literally give 0 brown sticky stuffs if you think its fair because the fact is that it isn't.


    As slushpuppy said it should be up to us regardless of if he thinks we should accept it or not.


    I offered you a fair choice of telling me your callers that are 30+ def and you refuse to do that. Not even willing to make a sacrifice to have a prep.


    We sacrifice cb cap, you sacrifice def cap.


    If you are awarded a win for not even fighting us then this system is braking its own rules. We knew what we were putting forward when we declared and you didn't when you countered.


    Follow the rules or gtfo....


    Seeing as this has yet to be settled I will give you another week to counter following the correct counter declaration rules as these are the terms Ruin wish to fight on. Feel free to lower the def cap, but not raise it.


    Its only 30vs30 min so you have no excuses about needing 30 def. I will allow you to discuss a new date for next week, with the exception of up to 3 accounts between 21-35 def.


    If for some reason you have proof that you have more callers over 30 def we can discuss this further.


    You have 1 week.


    That's not how declaration's work, you declared, and i counter declared, yet you still sit here crying, you will show up to the fight tomorrow or you will take the forfeit, next time you shouldn't try declaring with some bullbrown sticky stuff rule like 20 def cap in 2016.


    Ruin has never declared 20 def cap nor has any other mpc in the last year, don't start now especially coming from the 1 and only guy who pushed for 92 cb cap and fucked up the mpc bracket yourself.


    Show up tomorrow  or Accept the forfeit 

    Even @@slushpuppy said the 30 def rule with 1 def gear was fair.

    Therefore given everything else in the counter-declaration is already reasonable and completely fair,

    that makes the entire counter declaration fair making it valid.


    Show up or forfeit your own declaration @@Ir0ny I don't care, but Olympus will be there.

    The crying over a 30 def cap to keep a majority of my active members out of the fight is just an excuse from a scared clan

    the only thing that should affect a fight is Combat Cap and this is MPC so 

    Olympus will either see you there or you can forfeit your declaration this month.




    If it is the case of their callers then I would perhaps rather the solution of allowing those callers only. Otherwise 80% of their pull would be 30 def.


    If they can outline their callers accounts maybe this can be discussed as an exception. Because regardless of your reasoning the rules were put there for a reason.


    Majority of the preps we do in Ruin are 20- def caps and we tell other clans to sit their 30 def accounts and always have. Same situation though if it happens to be their callers like in Rage or CD we allow it. We do not however want to be fighting mains.


    I mostly assume their ML is irrelevant also because truthfully last few times we have prepped them the 30 def accounts were not all on the ml.


    I think we want the fight more then them, which is why they are happy to leave it as is and not actually try to organise fair rules. Hell we would rather have a higher cb cap for our callers but we put that aside to fight them.




    @@slushpuppy funny say you want a fight, but yea we stick to the 30 def cap @@Ir0ny


    and we stick to the counter declare, which is very valid and very realistic and fair. We will see you tomorrow



    If you need a refreshment @ruin on your prep declarations, the counter if deemed fair (which it was) is to be what is done, so I'll see you at the prep :) 

    -Delete if you are not making an official counter declaration-

  7. @@slushpuppy, these clans like Olympus get 30-39 def on their accounts with 0 consequences, let them either accept these rules or take the loss. And judging by the ML means nothing, 3/4 of Olympus' pulls to preps aren't even on their ml..

    he's spoken accept the counter or forfeit

    -Delete if you are not making an official counter declaration-


    Official Clan Counter-Declaration


    Name of your clan/tier(omit two):





    Insert screenshot of updated memberlist(optional):





    Minimum opt count:





    Def cap:





    Other rules:




    why the fuck do you have 30 def members in mpc lmfao????


    @@slushpuppy wasnt MPC 20- def


    I would support this @@HolyDreams but literally every clan has 30-35 def have you seen some of their mls l0l

    -Delete if you are not making an official counter declaration-


    Official Clan Counter-Declaration


    Name of your clan/tier(omit two):





    Insert screenshot of updated memberlist(optional):





    Minimum opt count:





    Def cap:





    Other rules:




    -Delete if you are not making an official counter declaration-


    Official Clan Counter-Declaration


    Name of your clan/tier(omit two):





    Insert screenshot of updated memberlist(optional):





    Minimum opt count:





    Def cap:





    Other rules:





    30 def armor or level?


    level not armor @@slushpuppy

    -Delete if you are not making an official counter declaration-


    Official Clan Counter-Declaration


    Name of your clan/tier(omit two):





    Insert screenshot of updated memberlist(optional):





    Minimum opt count:





    Def cap:





    Other rules:



  10. -Delete if you are not making an official counter declaration-


    Official Clan Counter-Declaration


    Name of your clan/tier(omit two): OP





    Insert screenshot of updated memberlist(optional):

    see above


    90 Combat Cap


    Minimum opt count:





    Def cap:





    Other rules:


    Tuesday June 7

    7 EST Start

  11. 1 combat leeway to imperial because your clan is being fucking cauliflower = bias


    You're so thick lmfao, if you've got so many maxed out 1 def pures (88 CB) you shouldn't have a problem winning the prep? Otherwise, get all those awful, ugly 20 def accounts to train the fuck up.

    learn to get facts and look at the number effect on the ml also it's a 3 cb advantage slush is just saying one do the math yourself on the ml's

  12. 1) Why should Olympus be punished because of imperial being practically an hpc in terms of levels

    2) Our prep vs Apex was before midnight you didn't bend rules at all fuck off

    3) Talk brown sticky stuff about us using mains more even though you are in TLP and pulled as many mains as SV while fighting them

    4) your last paragraph shows how bias you are

    pretty much he's just openly admitting to bias given he literally said he sided the combat and the times to IMP's memberlist.


    Not to mention the fact he forgot the leave out the number of accounts that imp gains for having 93 cb cap and the 1 account Olympus has.


    His pathetic excuse of "train up" like he doesn't know this is pure clanning and most people have maxed out at 87,88 


    Especially when he is too fucking pathetic of a person to even set a standard and a clear definite line between mpc and hpc which was literally set almost a year ago at 90 combat.


    He cried about the preps we've won and he has also forgotten to mention the preps Imp won were on 100+ accounts vs hpcs and they are for some reason still considered in the mpc prep bracket l0l.

  13. We discussed this in IRC and we based it off of ML avg's the rules are set. You can talk 2 @@slushpuppy if you want to change anything. 

    yea but @@Moni the ML is accurate now, but you guys refuse to change rules or be fair, it's so 1 sided and you wanna say you help set it up, but you aren't even working with both clans, just jumping to conclusions and changing your mind to a new point every time you guys got proven wrong.




    cb average 79


    cb average 84




    then if you wanna do your little calc it drops even more


    In addition the the random 93 combat rule whereas giving +4 accounts to Imp at the max combat lvl making +7 total over the original 90 Cb cap rule compared to Olympus's 3 over 90 on the Ml.


    This is mpc, they didn't even get their wins with mpc accounts and you're literally enabling them to not use mpc accounts, might as well have 111cb cap and make it max 39 def and call in xlpc with that mindset.

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