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Htown last won the day on June 11 2022

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  1. Fatality massed up 30 while peaking at 32 today to take on Apex. We setup a fight northeast of Chaos Altar, around ghost hut. We logged a few people out to try and match Apex's rush of around 25. We were able to push Apex south/southwest inside the trees back towards Chaos Altar tele where they were trying to catch us in clumps, while not playing into their hand, we drew them back out north. Fatality established the advantage and took control over a clear majority of the fight. Thanks for the action. GGs to all.
  2. Fatality massed up 25 shooters later peaking at 28. We setup a fight vs. Venom that took place at Chaos Altar, we logged multiple people out to try and match Venom's pull and we quickly cleared them in just a few minutes. Zenith wanted to setup a cluster with us and Blunt Purez. Again, we setup again at Chaos Altar. We dominated the fight which would last about 45 minutes, making both clans regroup multiple times while we didn't bank a single time, rotating around both clans, always controlling the return spot. Clean and fun fight. GGs to all.
  3. I could’ve gone without seeing a Droze topic today, but gz!
  4. Fatality massed up for a planned fight against Legacy tonight. We started the scuffle in PvP with a cheeky little fight in Burthorpe. After a while, we decided to take it to deep wilderness and fought north of the rev cave teleport where the bulk of the action came. We rotated around numerous times and had a lot of great pile trains, overall it was fun and clean action. GGs.
  5. Fatality massed up the Reapers last night for a run-in with Legacy. We spread north of the rev cave teleport and pushed on to Legacy from the south. The control of the fight went back and forth but Fatality was able to maintain a majority of the dominance. GGs.
  6. After our fight with Zenith, Fatality scheduled a fight vs Kill on Sight (KoS). We defended at GDZ again and the fight got on the way. We were down a few opts but we still held our ground. Circling GDZ, we caught several clumps and capitalized on them. Clean and competitive fight. GGs
  7. Fatality massed up the Reapers tonight to take on Zenith. We started the run-in at GDZ and then Chaos Altar. We showed a dominating performance and took advantage of several clumps and pile transitions. It was a fun fight, thanks for the action. GGs
  8. Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Fatality massed up the reapers to take on the pure community this fine Sunday afternoon, while sipping on some adult beverages and tending to juicy hamburgers on the grill. We started out with a fight at CA against Blunt Purez, we did some quick work and headed to the next fight. Next, we setup a fight vs Apex, west of bandits, we rushed from the west and began the shark hunt, this fight soon became a cluster with Misfits and a certain banned pure clan. Next we heard about a cheeky cluster going on in Al-Khaird, so we rubbed our glories and logged in on Misfits inside the palace, where we took advantage of several clumps we caught and dipped out. Afterwards, we then rushed Apex in the trees north of Corp Hill, this was a close fight that went back and forth, very fun. Lastly, we setup yet another fight with Apex in Burthrope. We dominated the fight almost clearing the shark clan multiple times. GGs to all.
  9. Fatality chilled out with the boys this Saturday night and scheduled a fight against Legacy. We started north of the rev cave teleport and had an engaging fight. We then decided to go fight at FoG after our first run-in and Fatality carried the upperhand through both skirmishes. Twas a nice time. GGs.
  10. Fatality kicked off Memorial Day weekend with a cluster against Legacy and Kill On Sight (KoS). The cluster took place around GDZ with the fight moving back and forth between white plat and glory hill. We maneuvered many times to hit both opponents and took control of what was to be a very long, clean, competitve fight. Afterwards, we had a 1v1 against Legacy at CA, we remained dominate the entire fight. GGs to all.
  11. Fatality sounded the horn for our scheduled fight against Legacy tonight. We fought north of rev caves in what was a very dominating performance by Fatality. We started out by rushing Legacy from the west and the fight got on the way, we rotated many times, catching Legacy in many clumps and capitalizing on those. We controlled most of the fight, controlling the north side for the majority of the time, it was fun. Thanks for the action Legacy. GGs.
  12. Sorry brother, you're now in the main community and.... no one asked. l0l
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