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Everything posted by Pile_Me

  1. apec lost to a slumping tiger clan. whats going on at apec HQ?
  2. Precisley, its funny how I made this after F2p saturday and they did just that on P2P sunday.. easily expected from Zenith.
  3. Can confirm Fatality is raping Zenith every single weekend. Zenith clearly have no answer to this especially with the desperate attempt at a fake-winning post is clear signs of defeat and delusional symptoms.
  4. With the undisputed performance Fatality has been showcasing every single weekend, Zenith clearly has no answer to face Fatality head on. Literally zero. Zenith has been: 1. Sitting in Ferox/Edge/Southeast Graveyard for 90% of trips the past 2 weekends (Ty Tattedmuscle for streaming everything on Twitch.tv) 2. Would rather crash 40v40 fights instead of face their rivals they chose to start 3. Hiding in Full worlds BACK AND FORTH from world 330 and 302. 4. Random world hopping/Lobby in log in screen to avoid getting hit even though having 90 pull 5. Creating fake-win topics to save their losing trips I can go on and on, how long can Zenith do this for? How can their members enjoy their trips with their crumbling leadership?
  5. Fatality did look undisputable in the wilderness these last 2 weeks. It doesn't look like Zenith has an answer.
  6. Just because I'm able to lay down facts that Zenith are too blindsided to see doesn't mean I'm Jamz Does that guy scare you over a 20 year old pixel based medieval magic gaming browser?
  7. More like no action for Zenith, thats why Zenith continue to dwindle down pulls and below 80. Your members true colors are showing while Fatality continue to gain numbers. Who's competing now?
  8. With the short-lived rivalry that Zenith has started with Fatality (Started when Fi winning down 50 opts on Video and Zenith got hurt so butt hurt from it), the past couple weeks has been nothing but torment for them as they continue to dodge Fatality and can't finish what they started. The continued threatening to dox ex-Zenith members (Proof in this SB topic: https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/54236-a-message-to-zenith-members/) , creation of fake-winning topics to save their losing trip as they continue to lose pulls every week going from 120 to 80 in 7 days. What has this Clan turned into? Who do you blame, terrible Leadership? All these ranks and not one with an idea what to do. Zeniths singles clan antics in TattedMuscles stream: https://gyazo.com/7e6ec083601aace77fb89ae345bb6f55 Zenith has been dodging Fatality for 2 weeks now and even TODAY, 10/3/2020, they avoided a cluster with IR and Fi by attempting to log and remove capes ON VIDEO (49:47 of TattedMuscles Stream video here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/759629521) It looks like to me the Mountain Men don't have an answer to all of the energy they've set themselves up for.. except a recipe for disaster they can't get themselves out of. Doxing Jamz sister wasn't a good idea, but sending doxing threats to other players ingame isn't a good idea to begin with. Which comes down to the question.. how can Zenith compete with such a mentality of being #1 when they are incapable of fighting for it? Fi seems to be the undisputed players in Multi while Zenith are proud of being in singles.. I don't think that's how it works. Not a good look for the cave men.
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