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Posts posted by Dovahkiinn

  1. venom.png


    Venom massed up 40 pink cobra's for our sunday trip after our Easter holiday weekend last week and we ended with 36. Since there was 0 action in wildy,

    Venom decided to kick off the sunday trip by setting up a fight vs Supremacy which caused the whole scene to suddenly hit us afterwards. You're welcome.

    Kinda weird that our ''rivals'' were hiding today and did not respond to any messages to fight us LOOOOOL. Yo after all that bark these last few weeks

    why do you not fight us you fucking victims? I'm looking at you Jumpshit & Special Poop. Legit dogs kyp

    Anyway, we had some nice battles during this sunday trip and looking forward to next weekend.


    Fight 1:

    Like stated before, there was 0 action going on in wildy the first hour so we setup a fight against supremacy. We deffed

    north of CA but after some fighting it soon got crashed by multiple clans so we decided telly out and move on to

    our next fight against Hydra.

    Fight 2:

    Our 2nd fight was setup north of the revenant cave against Hydra even tho we knew they had opts on us. This time they were deffending the gate and we hit them from

    the southern side. We catched some huge 4-6 man clumps which unfortunately for Hydra caused them to drop a lot of members.

    We pushed them around there for a while before they started going west.

    We chased them to singles and noticed that the Sardine clan tried to scrape in some action by crashing at the last moment. We were already in singles and dipped after to get ready for our next setup fight.

    Fight 3:

    Venom HQ got a hold of information that JUMPSHIT and Special Poop were fighting each other north of rev cave since these dogs were to scared to bark again vs the almighty Venom clan. 

    We gathered our troops and tellied to revs to catch them offguard from the south and easily obliterated both SF and JS in multi which caused them to fled the scene. Keep recruiting lads, you'll get there.

    Anyhow, Terror swooped in from the west so we fought them for a moment until even more clans crashed. We took our win and regrouped for our last fight.

    Fight 4:

    For our last fight we decided to fight Foe at west bandits since they suddenly pulled 35? We defended for them and eventually they rushed us with matched opts. 

    The fight went back and forth but we noticed that a lot of the Foe were to low combat to even hit because we had lots of maxed 107s. We would like to

    see another fight deeper in the wild next time so looking forward to that. Was some clean action Foe thanks for the fight! 








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