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Everything posted by Datassd0e

  1. In pre eoc I was in a lot of main clans like ls or s0, or 3hits. In pre eoc I joined a lot of Masser clans too which used to be fun asf. In 07 the first pure clan I ever took seriously was execution:p if anyone remembers them.
  2. Bro, you are a legend. Lmfao!!
  3. We're relevant enough to bully u bundle of twigsgots off of Sunday trips. Enough said.
  4. You bundle of twigsgots say that now, but I don't have to say anything cus the whole pure community already knows how broccolied u bundle of twigss are. How fun leading a main clan u autistic cunt.
  5. Funny how last month you cv bundle of twigsgots begged me to be your warlord, l0l.
  6. You're the leader of cv and you still have no name in the pure community. You actually managed to kiss so much ass that you got leader rank, gj. Funny thing is, u can't call for brown sticky stuff and you ddos people you get mad with, l0l. When u flame me, all you're doing is making yourself look even more pathetic than what you actually are. A 23 year old virgin who still lives with his mom an brown sticky stuffs himself when brown sticky stuff doesn't go his way. You're irrelevance is funny kid. I almost feel bad for you, your clanning history is a joke, cv is a joke. and the biggest joke of all is you.
  7. LPC's aren't 90+ combat with 39 def bundle of twigsgot.
  8. How cute of you to stand up for your friend. Too bad no one knows who u are either.
  9. F-A-G-G-O-T there, I spelled it out for you. bundle of twigsgot.
  10. No one knows who u are lmfao. And I wasn't kicked, I left. How bout u tend to yourself bundle of twigsgot:)
  11. I wasn't there lol? I was attending some irl problems, keep me out of it.
  12. Trauma: Allan/Bluegangster Imperial:RC Owner Olympus:Trajan (hard ass decision) Conviction:Laos/Soda Curse:Everyone (my niggas) Chaotic:Duval? Remedy?:Kratos Tier One?:I don't know anyone from this clan:/
  13. Cv will close soon don't worry. I mean, you guys have already been bullied enough to cancel Sundays and bring addy on trips just to compete. What next? You guys gonna close into eop? It's just Cv v1 all over again.
  14. I didn't even die during that, lmfao. I'm not a cv 1bang like u are.
  15. Whether it's 50 v 90 or not, foe had p2p gear, eop did a good job.
  16. Lol @ cv who tried camping me while I was trying to get a fall in. 6:54
  17. Coming from the biggest clan hopper in runescape history who needs speech therapy almost as badly as toxic does. I left cv. The only propoganda here is your accusations. Keep dickriding toxic.
  18. Funny how you're not and never were relevant to anything in your life. Just stop before I embarrass you kid.
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