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Everything posted by Trajan

  1. You are almost right. We hadn't split into groups, we were just coming off another fight and so myself and a group of members were returning when you hit our main group. We got to the fight halfway through, and once we started arriving it was pretty much over. Thanks for the fight, heard yall cleared Imperial pretty well, grats on that
  2. "Oh you don't wanna prep because you worried about ddos fine if you get ddosed then leave and don't prep us it's simple" We try to prep. TS gets hit. We leave. "pls dont make silly excuses" Yeah ok.
  3. if it makes you feel better we started out with everyone in gear. We banked our gear halfway through as a troll. Sorry if it made you mad
  4. We were walking down after another fight, a bunch of our members, including myself, returned mid fight. It started matched, with Trauma fresh and our 31 low on supplies, it ended as soon as our returners got back to the fight. Ty for the fight, better luck next time.
  5. half our members were, we decided to go out naked for lulz XD
  6. i might be wrong but 31 v 31 seems pretty matched. i m bad at the maths tho. Was a fun trip, ty for the fights. Would be kewl if we hit 100.
  7. lol ty for the prep remedy, wish you wouldve given us the rounds with overheads :/
  8. looks like someone got hacked for def rippp gf chaos gj boys
  9. Looks like you bullied Trauma pretty hard. Really hope the rumors that you brought mith aren't true tho :/ Can't wait to get some big fights next Saturday, gj and gl
  10. gj boys, i got back just in time to chase chaos down to the ditch after the last fight. well done
  11. regardless, was a hard fought fight and well done all around. gj on your trip omega sorry for flaming your scout toxic l0l
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