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Posts posted by CallMeSwaggy

  1. 11 hours ago, Finest said:

    it truly is embarrassing for them lol.

    imagine pulling 80+ people every weekend, only to do absolutely fuck all with your members. you literally avoid your rival, hide in full worlds, hide in random worlds, constantly run, & crash 40v40s...? 

    genuinely how can you enjoy being in a clan that avoids fighting anyone that can give them competition lol, jesus christ that's embarrassing

    Just propaganda, when looking at it from the outside you truly see how big of a cancer Zenith and their members are. Now don't get me wrong 80% of this community is cancer but in Zenith? 100% seem like total spastics.

  2. 26 minutes ago, موني said:

    If it makes u mad i hope nox continues this "toddler" behavior 



    Hahahahah the last thing I am is mad over a 20 year old wizard RPG game taking it seriously good one buddy im the clown! LMFAO. Continue behaving like toddlers.

    1 hour ago, Lee said:

    We asked for two types of F2P Preps, both declined because your leader refuses to do both with Fatality but will against other clans. The fact that you guys think you can strongarm your way to get everything you want is just funny. We even offered a p2p prep but it was once again declined due to it having to be 50v50, whilst your clan will do 30v30s against every other clan that isn't Fatality. You guys should probably stop having such double standards when it comes to this. We're game to prep, just unfortunate your leader would rather politic over the opts of a prep rather than actually fight. 

    Shut the fuck up seriously. You pull 150 and don't want to do a 50v50 prep vs a clan that pulls less? That's PATHETIC, same as its PATHETIC for the self proclaimed clan wars clan to decline doing a FT 50 as well (HELLO ALSO CLAN WARS). COMPROMISE and 50v50 FT with a regular 50v50 prep as well.

  3. 1 hour ago, Deserie said:

    Weak leadership scared to 50v50 both servers vs. Apex when you just tried getting a 100v100 vs. Zenith. Next joke please. 😂

    Toddler mindset, he literally said they are willing to do both yet you're the ones acting like toddlers. Now you can get biased opinions to dick ride your statements, but from a 100% unbiased opinion it looks like its your clans fault for not getting anything done at this point.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Commander said:

    Nobody cares what some guy that calls himself swaggy says on sharkvrew. I think both apex and fi can agree on that

    Man shut the fuck up and fuck off, nobody cares about a wizard role play game and yet everyone's still here.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Deserie said:

    Nice book and all but you're still too pussy to accept the 50v50 both servers. Screaming down the mic like an idiot just proves your mental instability.

    Both sides are acting like toddlers, they want a FT 50 and you want a 50v50. Compromise and do both. You claim to be the kings of clan wars? Last I checked FT 50 is also clan wars. There's literally ZERO reason not do a FT 50 as well to get your 50v50 regular format. I'm 100% unbiased and you guys are acting like 10 year olds on a fucking RPG game that's 20 years old, imagine that.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Godfather said:


    mass recruited level 70's that currently enjoy the game will likely outlast the same tired 50 people that come back for fi once a year and dip the second things get shakey, yes. lockdown peak is likely over, i don't see it getting much better in terms of oldschools coming back.

    Feel like its hard to even enjoy the game when both sides act like toddlers and wont compromise. Its like watching the Tump vs Biden debate.

  7. 5 hours ago, Asap said:

    Fi has gained alot of hype lately and I don't think they will risk losing any of it in a prep. They're too worried that if they lose, the bottom 40% of their teamspeak realises that even if they outpull many clans atm doesn't mean they're any better in a matched fight. Also there's not much to gain by winning atm when ur already enjoying big pulls and hype.

    Apex on the other hand is known to be consistent in big preps and I think they would be the favorite to win in this match up. I don't think losing would affect them as much as Fi. And in the event of winning their runescape egos would love to brag about it for a week straight on this site. 


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    I believe FI agreed to the compromise Fatality is a rank, Apex though they wouldn't compromise.

    If that was the case and they are consistent in clan wars they should accept in a heartbeat no reason not to. The overwhelming majority says compromise...

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