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Everything posted by I_R0BUST_I

  1. You're not active, and I'm most hated so your clan has no titles and in-case your wondering, yes this whole topic was aimed so i could say that. kyp hillgiant
  2. what these kids dont realise is that the real answer to both should be nobody because its just a game lmfa0
  3. i can send you mine if u want, everyone saying its nice
  4. who would you say is the most loved / most hated people in the pure community? i'd say Myself for most loved and probs Duval or someone for most hated
  5. im not too sure about the most annoying dickhead on sharkbrew, but i do know that i am the best and most loved person in the pure community and i mean it. @@imafaggot or whatever, (Dennis) is a downie tbh
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. D o n
    3. I_R0BUST_I


      @Tribey0 we dont want to go HPC if we dont have to

    4. Kanicus


      RIP trauma, tried to re-opened lost to op then closed again :P no offence 👀

  6. prep records don't mean anything, numerous factors can affect a prep i.e. the absence of a main caller due to irl, NH actions such as ddos etc. in the wilderness you get a chance to return, in a prep if you get hit off that's a -1 for your clan for the round which is pretty bad
  7. OP know how to run the Lpc scene, we've been doing it for nearly a year and are the oldest lpc in 07 or in RS in general. we can also mass recruit way more efficiently than any other lpc including doom and we have the highest combats too (alot of us are maxed)
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