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Everything posted by Hotshot

  1. Did not record first 2 rounds have pics doe,
  2. heard you guys did some heavy damage with your booters to zu sucks you guys cant play fairly rd
  3. shawn u broccoli u got cleared nice 20 mains lmfa0
  4. trauma and imperial cleared up today #SALTY?

  5. idk but if any of you guys watch this vid it shows he just attacks olympus members lmfao if your going to team dont make it too obvious
  6. Only real lpc out there good brown sticky stuff chaotic
  7. why are you flaming lmfao your clan pulled 20 and half where rd your slumping mate
  8. Olympus set out today with 40 gods, later peaking at 43 and ending with 35. We annihilated just about everyone who went out today. Olympus vs Chaotic/Remedy We heard these two were dueling at 26 hill. Everyone else was in singles so we ran in and killed everything. Olympus vs Remedy We heard Remedy were in multi at Gap, so we ran in and killed everyone who didn't log out right away. Olympus vs Trauma ft. I/CV We got a good 1v1 against Trauma east of ruins. Despite them being mostly all lvl100s in mith, we managed to take them down. Olympus had 36 to Trauma's 10 when Imperial followed by Conviction crashed. Olympus vs Conviction Conviction rushed us around 26 hill. We fought them for a few minutes and pulled to the hill south. After smashing them around there, Conviction dipped like 5 minimaps north, never to be seen again (lol) Olympus vs Trauma/Imperial ft. Curse Next, we quickly hopped worlds and rushed Trauma vs Imperial. After finishing that up, Curse came from the north. We smashed them around next. Olympus vs Trauma We found Trauma west of CA and quickly smashed them around. After all of their low levels, they pulled to 18 ports and logged. We hopped around with them a few worlds, killing everyone until they called for random world hop and walked down. Olympus vs Conviction/Imperial/Curse After finishing Trauma, Conviction immediately rushed us. We fought them for a while, which was eventually crashed by everyone else. At the end of the day, Olympus was the last clan standing in Multi after clearing everyone and never leaving the fight. Olympus vs Chaotic Everyone ended their trip, so we finished off the day with a matched prep (80CB CAP) against Chaotic. We took the win 3-0. Thanks for the fight! NOTE: My video sucks. I was on a new computer and half the clips got lost. This is around 50% of the trip. Other vids will be up within the next day when the 4nrs wake up.
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