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Everything posted by _DC

  1. ^ @@Doom Looking forward to seeing how you guys perform in march, hopefully with much less banter
  2. Query "hey" to DC_Kids to spy: 4M per trip

  3. Query "DC_Kids" to spy: 4M per trip

  4. thanks for the prep, doom. Best of luck with the going HPC
  5. Query "DC_Kids" to spy: 4M per trip

  6. A+ banter, enjoy the +1's
  7. He was commenting on that pathetic lvl 5 ss rush that you did. We were actually walking to get a regroup and set up a clean fight with you guys. OT: Thanks for the action, CP and TLP.
  8. Query "Dc Kids" on #sv-clan to spy: 3.5M per trip

  9. we miss you doom kids too, MPC must be boring without us
  10. ^ We moved to hpc thinking there would be a lot of clusters with similar high opts, buts its been brown sticky stuff so far. Thanks to all the clans that went out and gave us action.
  11. Query "Dc Kids" on #sv-clan to spy: 3.5M per trip

  12. Query "Dc Kids" on #sv-clan to spy: 3.5M per trip

  13. OT: Glad to see the some low level action
  14. bullied? check our last 3 weeks of aftermath topics. Hats off to Doom for being our best competition in the mpc/lpc scene, but even they can't claim they bullied us. CP should be more concerned about TLP, than worrying about what SV plans to do in 3 weeks.
  15. Query "Dc Kids" on #sv-clan to spy: 2.5M per trip

  16. Query "Dc Kids" on #sv-clan to spy: 2.5M per trip

  17. thanks for the prep tlp, hope for a few more of these
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