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Everything posted by Delaying

  1. Ok? so you just basically admitted yourself that ''your'' thread creator did a bad job? are you ok? whatever you say to me now, doesn't matter i think i pointed out enough proof that last night, and every other trip we basically cleared you other then the day you cleared us when you teamed with VQ, so what proof can you point out? sure you will say that you got more prep then us but oi mind i show you something aswell? i think you will like it. this is one of your tank said that btw, so yea again KEEP TRYING.
  2. ohhh? nice video you got there on your topic wait...? 3 mins vs 14 mins?LOOOOL, looks to me your topic is a losing topic, please i implore you to watch the video again when did you clear us?, as i said YOU GOT DICKED TO SINGLES ALL DAY. nice try too cya next weekend!
  3. Basement? what the hell are you talking about if i decided to join Fs probably because all my friends are in there and i wanted to do something new then just killing the same kids everyday, so recruiting someone who pk at SS is bad? lol right... i'm not here to brag myself or whatsoever but from what i can see like i said before you might have 2 win prep over us, but just like today in the wilderness we dicked you to single every time we fight you lose and you can't deny that sure there was someday when you complety crushed us but that was because you teamed with VQ and then what happened after shall i remind you again?
  4. A member of #fearless-clan, thats all you need to know about me but hey if you want to know more about me i invite you freely to come to SS w308 i'm pretty much here everyday we can either fight it out or talk it out but since you're Iv i will probably just attack you :-)
  5. Ok, so you showed some picture when we were trolling at g-e? but did you see us used them at wildy? please point them out don't be mad because you got dicked to singles all day LOOOL, cya next weekend keep trying
  6. So?, you want to talk about prep wins huh? ok explain this. and many more videos but hey you tasted it huh you maybe have 2 prep over us but how many wins we have over you and defeat you tasted from us in the wilderness? lol today was it for fun to go into singles??? cya next weekend!
  7. your ltitle brown sticky stuff team che egy, we cleared them pretty easy and then we cleared you really ez, you couldnt defeat us when we were 21 and you were 28 rofl, keep teaming you are worse then sf lololol, well good job trying too
  8. hahaha tonight was so fucking ez, especially when we cleared those broccoli tanks, and vq after vq keep trying to team, but wont suceed just dont come cry later
  9. no we won because we're fucking number #1, talking about winning 1 prep when we won more then you and also not denying the fact that you need help to ''take us down" good luck with that XD XD.
  10. so you're getting cocky over 1 win midweek trip by merging with iv? gratz vanvictus really good job you did there, you cannot take us down alone (proove the fact we took the winter cup at home) and by the numbers of prep or mini we have over you it's useless trying to proove brown sticky stuff like we gonna close or something lmfao you guys were spamming brown sticky stuff that we teamed with weston? please refer to this vid that happened 8 days ago, what do you say about that??? huh, lol you guys are broccolied as fuck but hey keep trying we will close you soon cya in wild retards
  11. lol Vanvictus, you think you will close us or else banned us from wildy retards gl to even try now please vanquish accept our declaration! like we always did we will show whos the #1 gz fs gz fs gz fs
  12. how about Vanvictus????????????????? they love to merge
  13. you don't want to mess with Tannie or rank in fs, if you want dirty fights, lol... be aware of what you ask IV.
  14. gz fs gz fs Says the guy who sit in single all the time and trying to crash every fight but still run in single, hey btw you don't need to scream on ts i wonder how your members can listen to you at all time
  15. hi ent Ty gz fs thank you all
  16. What is your real life name? Franck What are your hobbies? Computer,gaming,anime,basket ball etc. What is your RuneScape history? ive started runescape since 2003 and always been a f2p pker What are your goals for your RuneScape account? max it out 13 pray 50 atk What clan are you in? Fearless Anything else: Answer here ex member of supremacy ex member of imperial current member of fearless i love f2p pking have a nice day to you
  17. In the end Fs always win xD. gz fs gz fs gz fs
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