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Everything posted by Leetz

  1. Activation v10 Pre Eoc Activation was irrelevant couldn't compete with Unlimited/Purefect/Terror/Sovereign for Lpc Bullied by rd l o l (mountain dew retards) You had to cheat in a prep vs doom/ lost a pcl to doom Sv won a 40 v 40 vs doom and a prep 3-0 Your quality is complete brown sticky stuff. You got buttfucked the first weekend Sv reopened as Lpc
  2. Top- Ryze Jung- Shyvana/Nidalee Mid- Ezreal/Diana ofc Adc- Tristana/ even though Kalista is nerfed still pretty op Support- Alistar
  3. Ahhh i seen u on the game
  4. Pretty sure most of you look like tomatos irl. Kinda rude to judge someone because of their looks.
  5. You're broccolied, always the joke of rs-warfare. No clan is gonna accept you because of how cauliflower you are and your pathetic stats. Wose than Alex Waar.
  6. So you take Bvbs sig and now you edited plawpys sig and taken it for your own. Im done.
  7. http://tinychat.com/ssc7/b26a46/dc/urka/redemption/09-07-2013 gf no rm.
  8. Considering u safed 2x and in full rune. He just forgot to prot item.
  9. no I was the real perfect clan pre eoc. When i was in Sop before (Orhun and Sith was leader) i wasl ike general with ibro. He apparently liked that name so he copied mine in 07 =]
  10. What is your real life name? Bryant What are your hobbies? Basketball/ no life studying What is your RuneScape history? Long history- Atm Clanless with Sv on Rs. Ex Empire on Telos What are your goals for your RuneScape account? Eh don't have one What clan are you in? Ex Sv Ex Empire Anything else: Nah its fun reading flames on trip topics
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