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lil hans

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Everything posted by lil hans

  1. Your clan are so hung up on Redemption i know we're a great clan but your hype is already dying. next week pulling 40? eeeek I heard fi sign ups are coming soon. Stay tuned
  2. Watch vid babe you then run through to singles cause you dont want these hans its k though babe
  3. https://gyazo.com/c86b5ab4dcb516aa76ab4582d59b9ed0 He said he gave up rofl
  4. shout out to @telford for calling his own clan brown sticky stuff
  5. Lmfao 2 days of claiming our wilderness They beg jaja for help and once they've realised they aint got a hope they 1 item rofl Straight after bullying them in minis we bully them in the wildy is there anywhere sv win?
  6. This guy is lost in the past bro look over the last few months:o stay salty that we're #1 p2p matched Add me on whatsapp and send me more nudes of your sister ty
  7. Fi dying again Eop are also brown sticky stuff
  8. Was ez, claims ddos with proof being easily accessible but can't produce interesting..... Thanks for the throne bitches
  9. Making my return to the mini scene Cp still trash af
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