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Status Updates posted by Koso

  1. TLP went from down 20 to up 20... Damn SV is bad.


    1. Hulk
    2. marcaruese


      Kosovaa, moni jr, weyay m8 all low lvl mains. Do i need to continue?


  4. Slaughter is the Doom of the LPC's (#1) whilst Rage is CD (#7)

  5. @'Jake your a 1 bang ingame broccoli I bet your 5 chins don't let you see ur screen. Go complain more about the leadership you fat redneck

  6. @ThatBoyRange @Critical Damage @Swagman11 Open 5 years and achieved what?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. موني
    3. Lionel


      Respect your brethren.

    4. Dinoz


      lol nobody has ever heard of cd before they were a pure clan for a reason (they sucked and nobody noticed them)


      they still suck but they just spam sb with useless brown sticky stuff nobody believes or cares about


  7. OP's music bot > @Salso

    1. Salso


      LOOL, OLDEST LPC STILLbrown sticky stuff STILL NOIT HPC

  8. @ThatBoyRange how much did you pay to become leader of CD???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TBR


      you were never in our teamspeak. I guess the bullbrown sticky stuffting bug has got to you aswell.

    3. Koso


      @ThatBoyRange I'm waiting for the logs downie

    4. Dinoz
  9. I am applying for the rank of a Council for Critical Damage. This application will manage to provide why I am worthy of this rank. It is vital as a council that they provide clan duties as well as assisting the leadership in providing a stable and successful clan. I feel that I have the motivation and will-power to offer this to the clan and use my own personal skills I have learnt throughout the years of playing RuneScape and being part of clans as well as in real life situations to support each other. As a council, it is also vital that communication is key and fluid throughout in Critical Damage so other members are aware and gain a strong influence to stride to help the clan be a winner. I feel that, for a clan to be a success there needs to be a strong leadership and so far I have seen this, therefore with my own contribution and partnership with the clan and leadership we could achieve a strong path of action for growth and improvement for Critical Damage. From previous experience being a Warlord for The Rising and RuneScape Elites, this role of being a council is completely different as back then I enjoyed the aspect of calling fall-ins and engaging on team speak as I still do at current moments. However, this opportunity will provide me a different experience since I quit RuneScape 5 years ago and I have matured to learn and adapt to diverse skills from University and other past experience since my departure from RuneScape. So far on my journey with the clan I have enjoyed every moment of it, especially with the community being easy to get along and friendly clan mates. My intention is to stay with Critical Damage as my University is coming to an end and me having enough time to spend on RuneScape, Critical Damage provides me the motivation to get on the game and play for something as well interact with the members in the clan from around the world, share experiences and ideas together. Personally, it is essential what role I am applying for which is Council as it requires to be fully committed and have a clear sense of purpose of what the initial outlook of the clan is. With my own personal experience and skills I feel that I have the capability to help and support the clan in any way or form with applications from new members to suggestions or helping advertise for the clan. This would give me the opportunity to be a role model for the members and support their views and opinions on any aspect of clan matters. I hope from this application I am worthy for this role. In this application I have offered my own personal outlook on the role and how it would apply to myself as well as my own personal experiences from the past.

  10. Foe made TLP get 30 and TLP still lose, god bless lmao

  11. @Critical Damage @ThatBoyRange weekend topic??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rob-


      @Maaku I'm the brainless one when you are spewing age as an insult in almost 2016 and still struggling to put together plausible sentences

    3. Maaku


      @Robbyy so u are 16years old lmfao stay quiet now and remember ur entire life what i said tlp pig

    4. rob-


      @Maaku I'm not, I don't think that needed clarification but I really forgot I was dealing with a brainwashed irrelevant foreign broccoli that started clanning like 6 months ago. lmao lmao lmao

  12. Look what we did to you Ruin and CD

  13. I sexually Identify as John Cena. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of defending my WWE championship at WWE SUPERSLAM. People say to me that a person being John Cena is Impossible and I'm fucking broccolied but I don't care, You Can't See Me. I'm having Vince McMahon inject me with Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. From now on I want you guys to call me "Champ" and respect my right to Five Knuckle Shuffle and Never Give Up. If you can't accept me you're a cenaphobe and need to check your championship privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

  14. @TLP Lube up for the weekend bundle of twigsgots

  15. @ThatBoyRange nice Sunday topic...owait

    1. Jaimy


      he was fucking yo mama kyp

  16. "Victory": ill pastebin cp's entire ip list if one main hits me

    1. Tucan


      he will be punished soon but hasn't notice ;p

    2. Lionel
  17. So both CD and Ruin peaked at 80 yet had a maximum of 120 in game. OK!

    1. Kanicus


      Difference is we did actually have 80 in game. Lol

    2. Dinoz


      u wanted to team , but with cd? god bless ruin lmfao

  18. @ThatBoyRange sv reject pride???

    1. TBR


      You realise alot of Doom joined SV? broccoli

  19. What happened to 0ldschooler/END OF CP???

    1. messi


      he got bullied like eop did.

    2. Rip ghetto

      Rip ghetto

      I destroyed him lol

    3. Teboo


      Cp made him tap out

  20. I enjoyed that mossie fight yesterday, 10+ kills 1 death!

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