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Everything posted by auwi

  1. Horm, why do you put your own irl picture on your own ts?? LOL
  2. Really? Horm and 0wl argue a lot though. Doesn't sound like banter for me. You guys should listen to Chris though. "Stop obsessing over CD"
  3. I'm sorry, but that's not true! Perhaps someone in your clan made it up to make themselves feel better. We don't argue nearly as much as Doom officials do because we've been a running community for over 5 years now. On the other hand, you and other Doom officials have been arguing a lot recently.... How do I know? Well, your teamspeak tells it all P.S. If you're angry about your own members bringing lobsters to wars, maybe you should buy them pizzas yourself. <3 - Kim
  4. Lpc for the nonstop action and the abundance of clans/teams
  5. Thanks for the read. Regarding the Np members with us, some of them have actually intro'd for us, in the same way WK members are introing for Doom. Cheers
  6. Impressive, looked like fun
  7. Because there were several Tb members merged with the team I stated above, some yellow cape cc containing members from many dead clans that were closed by Cd. In fairness, i included Np, which closed and merged with Ip.
  8. Of course man, idk where all the flaming started between CD and Doom. Ultimately, we're both clans reaching for the same goals. Looking forward to tomorrow
  9. I don't think you understand what happens to the clanning world without "masser" clans that recruit from Edgeville such as Cd, Doom, etc. Without these clans, there is no apparatus of which fresh recruits can enter the clanning scene. Every week, we give newer players the chance to experience the clanning world, and if it is to their liking, they can stay and be productive members. However, pure clanning isnt for everyone of course. The truth is, we are keeping the clanning world alive, and without us, pure clans would die out.
  10. Hi guys, We've noticed a lot of people are upset about the "mains" we bring on our PK trips, and that their presence destroys CD's legitimacy as a pure clan. We acknowledge this and want everyone to know that these mains are past/old CD members that were already grandfathered into our clan. We've never accepted defense pures that weren't already in the clan. Also, there are only three of these members that we have allowed to come to trips due to their loyalty for CD in the past. However, we understand that they have no place in pure clanning. Therefore, we have encouraged these members to make new pures, and further abuses of defense will be looked down upon. Critical Damage would like to make a splash into the LPC bracket, and to do this, we must comply with the rules of pure clanning. We hope everyone can understand this situation, and that we are doing our best to fix it. Thanks for the support. If you want to arrange a fight with CD, just let us know! <3
  11. We closed as mains because we had no competition. As for CD being brown sticky stuff, ask the clans we closed.... aka Fuse, Judgement, rT Nevertheless, this is just a game, dont take it too seriously <3
  12. We apologize about that. Our main vidder was kicked, while our secondary vidder has irl obligations. I'll try to vid in the future, and I can assure you that Critical Damage will improve our GFX. We know we lack in this department, but as we are still young and trying to figure out our niche in this community, we will do our best to improve. Thanks for the feedback <3
  13. Friends come and go, RSGP lasts forever
  14. They take this game too seriously. More NH than Rot
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