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  1. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Sith- in An Apology to cp, xL and fi. As well as a change for rd.   
    I know doing this may make us look bad, but in my opinion it is not where you are but where your going. With that being said I will keep this as short as well as sweet as possible.
    I apologize to you for the actions of a certain member of our clan ddosing your forums/ts. It is true that it was indeed a redemption member that did this. Regardless of if he thought it was the right thing to do at the time, in no way is retaliation outside of the game tolerated by me. The appropriate action has been taken in my eyes and the member is no longer with us that actually did the ddosing. I am sorry about the confusion at first, I didn't believe it. But I later figured out that it was indeed us. As leader/founder/elder/warlord/whatever you see me as in RD it will never happen again without my watch. 
    I have found out that the same exact member has ddosed several of your clan members at your events. It has been handled, he is no longer with us and I promise you if it happens again please pm me. I strongly disagree with the ddosing, and while it was not the person that you listed, it was indeed a RD member. While our clans may not be on the best of terms, I in no way want anything to do with them ddosing you. I appreciate the pure community and don't want anything to bring it down more than it already is.
    Hon0r is the reason that I found out about all of this. Thank you hon0r for pointing out the person behind the ddosing. It has been dealt with and sorry he has done this to you. If you ever have a problem again please do pm me and I will take care of this. I don't agree with it at all, and you knowing this from previous clanning came to me with proof of who was responsible. Sorry for what happened to you guys.
    The first time we prepped you, when your ts got hit the 3rd round, it was not us. It was eop I will not apologize for this, but I am sorry it happened. Hell just ask them lol they don't even hide it. The other time your ts didn't go down. If we truly did this you would know we would have hit it again.
    Thanks, and sorry again. My own ranks will hate me for doing this, but it is the right thing.
    Flame on
  2. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Steez. in Excel's hard work pays off - Saturday 6/6/2015 trip   
    nice pull and thanks for the action xl, hopefully we can get slme nice clean fights again soon
  3. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Hormone in Excel's hard work pays off - Saturday 6/6/2015 trip   
    gratz XL glad to see you guys pking on saturdays now
    nice pull
  4. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Trajan in Chaotic - One last time   
  5. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to D o n in Long live Spartans! Forever the #1 LPC   
    In all honesty, I did not expect for this to happen on such a short notice. With losing some our core members from clans reopening, this put us in a rough patch and we feel that closing would be our best bet.
    I honestly didn't expect this clan to go as far as it has. We went through our ups and downs and kept moving forward no matter what and for that we would like to thank every rank and member that were apart of Imperial. Without you guys this clan would not have become what it is today. I watched a small group of friends grow into one big family and for that I am grateful.
    Keep your heads up high and be proud of what we have done in this short period of time. We are Imperial, forever golden.
    We will keep the Site/Teamspeak up for a awhile for everyone to use. Stick around and keep the community going.
    Last Words
    It was a good run boys! The last six months we dominated the lpc scene.. closing our rivals, strong prep streaks and domination every weekend. 
    I might haven't been very active the last 2 months, but always enjoyed my time with you guys. 
    but yea, its time to close the doors for now. We achieved what we wanted to do, had lots of fun and reigned as the undisputed #1 LPC. 
    It was nice to get to know all you guys and goodluck in whatever you do next 
    Imperial #1 brah
    WOW! What an adventure it has been for me personally. My brothers from Supremacy Rc/Ricky/Tim/Noel told me to join in on this fun to create this glorious clan by the name of Imperial. 
    Well then boys as our elders say all good times must come to an end,to be honest that time has come.I'd like to give couple of shout outs to the rank team of imperial for making 6 months of destruction, Also shout out to the Spartans of Imperial you guys you guys are the reason behind keeping imperial #1 LPC Wilderness/Matched or the heated rivalry between us and trauma it was surely a fun time together boys!.
    At last it was extremely fun to lead this clan to become the #1 LPC which we accomplished in just two weeks after opening.Also on the side we won the sharkbrew tournament /RedvBlue tournament.
    Thank you to every single one of you for joining imperial and good luck on your future choices.
    Long Live Spartans forever the #1 LPC
    "I hated every minute of training, but I said, don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."[/size]
    - Muhammed Ali[
    Well boys, our time has come. After 6 months of being open, 6 months of total destruction, 6 months of domination on all the LPC's we are closing. We are ending on a good note. Imperial was not a regular LPC, Imperial was a clan with a great community, were people made alot of new friends. We have had many laughs and I would never thought we would stay open for this long. 

    I want to thank every member that has been apart of the community and of Imperial. I really want to give a huge shoutout to the Rank-team. You can't stay open for 6 months by having an inactive rank team, what the main reason is why alot of clans closed. We have faught alot of clans like Chaos, Remedy v1, Omega, Trauma v2, Curse, Outbreak and Severance that closed before we did. Every rank in this clan did their part, every rank has put in effort. 
    It was a privilegde to lead you guys into battle, to lead you guys into great succes in the entire LPC scene. We have achieved so much, like the clanware-fare 10v10 & 20v20, the 3v3 LPC fullout, we won a great rivalry, had the most prep- and mini warwins than any other LPC and much more. 
    Thank you brothers for being in Imperial and goodluck with your future! 
    ''When you want to succed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be succesful.''
    I can say with confidence and pride that Imperial has held the title of the #1 LPC in this era. We started off extremely strong, and no other clan would take that away from us. Easily the best matched F2P LPC. Easily controlled and dominated the wild since our opening till our last trip. This is all thanks to you guys, so I hope you all realize that. I'm not exactly a part of this community/rank structure, but I've been here since Day 1, and saw how this clan blossomed into a unstoppable group of young individuals. Know I know why people hated imperial with a passion. We were simply the best fucking lpc pound for pound during our existence. 
    Reasons for us shutting our doors have been mentioned by the other ranks; We could have easily ranked up new people to higher spots, but we didn't want to drop responsibilities on then when people should be enjoying their summer vacation instead of playing games.
    The site and teamspeak will remain stable as long as Ricky & I can hold it. There are special bonds within each and every single clan that cannot be broken, including Imperial. Stay connected and respect others, even those spastic rejects in Severance and Trauma. Most importantly, have fun with whatever you do. You can get caught up in the game time to time, but make sure you have fun doing it.
    Pm `3at on IRC or Supremacy.pw/Imperial-rs.com if you need anything from me. Thanks for the fun ride boys, and GL irl with whatever you do.
    First of all, treat people the way you want to be treated. I have been like this for years, the community will never ever be the same like it was years ago back when a word like RESPECT mattered, but now, there is to much flame, bait, and straight up cancer. How this game processes everyday I really do not know, I am all about respect, and people don't give it. That being said, this is by far the best clan I have been in. Community wise, and quality wise. I knew that dedicating myself for this clan would be the right option. I can sit here for hours and literally count off numerous things that this clan has achieved because of all of you. Whether it comes to bullying Trauma into going MPC, or flat out closing Trauma, NOBODY EXPECTED THAT TO HAPPEN! We were counted out and looked at as the "underdogs." We have done so much! We have won Red Vs Blue, we have won the sharkbrew Tournament in two brackets, and more. I am more than thankful for the opportunity I was given, so I took it and ran with it. Unfortunately, work gets the best of us, and within the past 3 weeks I have been very inactive, and that has hurt the clan. All GOOD times must come to an end, and that time is now. Every single one of you members and low tier ranks have done your part with recruiting and activity. You have all done your part and I am extremely happy. Without you I promise this right now, Imperial would not have been what it was today. We are fucking kings, and this clan will forever go down in the history books for a crazy amount of things for LPC's. For my boys who have followed me here, thank you. For my boys who I met in the beginning of the clan, thank you. You just took part in creating a page in history. Who knows what will happen in the future guys, just remember, ended with a 17-4 prep streak, and 74-12 mini streak. I fucking love you all, this is our era.
    I have watched this clan since before it was opened being one of the first of many to join and I can honestly say its been a hell of a ride. Being here, I've learned a lot about clanning in general, but I've also met some of the best members and friend that I've seen in the LPC scene in a long time we've achieved many thing great things together such as:

    - winning the trauma rivalry/closing them
    - Huge prep streak
    - Claiming #1 matched for the longest time
    - Winning the sharkbrew tournament in multi LPC brackets
    - Constant dominant pulls on weekend (apart from 1 small/short slump)

    all in all we've had an amazing run and I don't think there are any clans in this scene now that have achieved what we did in these 6-7months. I wish everybody in this clan the best luck wherever you may be go #imperial #1matchedlpc.
    Imperial the golden Gods of the second rerun of the lpc scene on old school runescape, when we opened for the first time we dominated every one rather it was in clan wars or in the wilderness we always came out on top. Now it is our time to close the doors that lead to being an Imperial God. My time with you guys has been a great one I have made some good friends and I hope you feel the same way about me. We had for the most part some of the best fights in the wilderness and in clan wars along with some bad ones but for the most part we ended with some nice loot in our inventory. If I missed any thing or didn't even mentioned something take a look at what the other ranks have said out us.
    Imperial was honestly the first real pure clan I've ever taken apart in. I have always been a single pker, and never was very interested in clan/team pking. I was recruited into Remedy in December (first taste of pure clanning), and then joined Imperial Janurary 18th when it opened. Being from Remedy I can gaurnette all of you that Imperial had true talent. We worked very well as a team and you can look through all of the videos and pictures that we dominated. We left our mark in the LPC scene history, this entire clan left a legacy that will not be forgotton. Not only was Imperial one of the best in PVP, we had and still do have a very strong community. Tight bonds were formed while previous friendships grew more. I know the community will stay in contact and continue to strive to their excellence.
    Dear internet family, I never though this clan would mean so much to me. I remember when I logged on runescape after 6 months Control closed, I got a PM from R C owner and he told me he was opening an lpc clan. I told him I would join Imperial but I wouldn’t be active because I lost my motivation after ct closed and I hadn’t played the game for few months. On our opening trip we showed the whole lpc scene that imperial wasn’t a joke and we claimed the #1 spot fast. We had a 9-0 prep streak that no other lpc clan managed to get, we won 10vs10 and 20vs20 that clan warfare hosted we closed both Trauma and severance. I like to thank every member of this clan that been apart of this fun journey and thanks to all the lpc clans that fought us. Good luck to everyone to whatever you decide to do, I love you all <3
    17 Wins
    4 Loses
    74 Wins
    12 Loses




  6. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Patrick in LPC the new HPC?   
    "LPC" Clans are scared to drop the invites from HPC clans. Olympus, Critical Damage, Doom pull 50 every weekend while HPC clans like Zu, LT, Sup, TLP pull 35. They could clearly compete and have more competition. Would love to see an MPC scene with clans going out with the HPC clans but maybe still setting Cb capped events.
  7. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Urbo in LPC the new HPC?   
    Let me start by acknowledging the fact that I'm brand new to SharkBrew, and that what I say doesn't mean as much as what someone with thousands of posts does.
    So with that out of the way... What the fuck is going on with combat brackets in the pure community? LPC's have level 90s with them on trips, HPC's are clustered with mains, it's insanity.
    I know that with the introduction of the "XLPC" there should be more organization to the levels and whatnot, but why are we making a new bracket? We have LPC for a reason, it's the LOW level pures.
    I feel that the LPC clans should grow some balls and move to MPC to let the real "LPC" clans become more active.
    I haven't been pure clanning for the longest time, but to my understanding this is how it should go...
    LPC: 55-75 Combat
    MPC: 70-85 Combat
    HPC: 80-107 Combat
    I understand that "MPC" has never really been a popular idea, but at the moment the combat brackets are broken. 
    Let me know what you guys think, I could be a total Deeckhead for suggesting this.
    - Connor/Urbo 
  8. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Patrick in It's time for a prep LT.   
    You have a 110?
  9. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Elder in Why Are MPC/LPC Saturdays @ 6PM EST?   
    Hard for us Kangaroo's! Honestly I feel like these times are pretty decent
  10. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Sam in Leet Tactics Saturday ft Guap (5/30/2015)   
    Watch ir0nys POV james
  11. Like
    Ir0ny got a reaction from Elder in Elder's Introduction <3   
    Should chat in ts again sometime
  12. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to James in Leet Tactics Saturday Ft. Domination   
  13. Like
    Ir0ny got a reaction from erase data in EOP gets the floor wiped by Redemption | F2P Prep   
    LOL at the guy in jail
  14. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Ham in Who will be victorious?   
    xl shall prevail
  15. Like
    Ir0ny got a reaction from erase data in EOP gets the floor wiped by Redemption | F2P Prep   
    LOL at the guy in jail
  16. Like
    Ir0ny got a reaction from erase data in EOP gets the floor wiped by Redemption | F2P Prep   
    LOL at the guy in jail
  17. Like
    Ir0ny got a reaction from erase data in EOP gets the floor wiped by Redemption | F2P Prep   
    LOL at the guy in jail
  18. Like
    Ir0ny got a reaction from erase data in EOP gets the floor wiped by Redemption | F2P Prep   
    LOL at the guy in jail
  19. Like
    Ir0ny got a reaction from erase data in EOP gets the floor wiped by Redemption | F2P Prep   
    LOL at the guy in jail
  20. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Sage in Critical Damages Saturday PK, 108 people.   
    You forgot to pay the guy who did your banner I see xD
  21. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Hon0r in Critical Damages Saturday PK, 108 people.   
    No mention of allying with NP + IP in your topic???? interesting. MASSERS
  22. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Brian fwm in LT's Wavey Red Wave Waves over the Waves   
    Today an army of Spartans set out for some Saturday fun, setting off with 41 and peaking at 45. 




    We started today's battle against TLP. We attacked at P18's , quickly pulling scims with a hard push. We pulled it West towards Graves, knowing Supremacy was about to hit us. We quickly pulled it north for a fall in - Ty for fight TLP.








    We defended bandit camp, moving quickly with a scim push dropping numerous piles. Zerg Unit members only stopped slapping the floor when CP crashed, forcing us to pull it back SouthWest to Castle and logged out. Thanks for the fight!



    We defended for Zerg Unit (agaiiiiiiiiiiin) we patiently waited for them in the general store. A little birdy told us on teamspeak that Soniqs was crying on teamspeak about 5 returners. So Leet Tactics then came in H.O.T. slamming them with scims left and right. It was very fun. Thanks for R2.  



    - Luke











    Do you want to join the Red Wave?

    Our Apps are open: http://lt-rs.com/community



  23. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to James in Zerg Units 1 Year Birthday Bash!   
    A year ago today, we stepped foot in the wilderness known as the clan named Zerg Unit.
    A year later here we are competing for that #1 spot.
    Congratulations to Supremacy for lasting out the year as well!
    Cheers cunts!

    Peaked somewhere around 70, went to work on everything that got in our way. Thanks to CP / Sup / FOE / TLP for giving us some good battles. Shout out to Babalanka and his socially awkward 4n friends for camping us all trip.

    Coffee's POV

    Bryans POV

    Hampers POV

    Murky POV



    Asked CP for a fight. Waited at dwarves for 10 minutes for CP to leave mossies to come hit us. Got bored and walked down hopped over and ran into FOE. Battled it out for a bit, had foe on the rails for a couple of minutes. brown sticky stuff got clustered, pulled it south to sperm ended up having a little fight with supremacy. After a couple of minutes on the tip we pulled south to ghost hut, waited it out for the returners and started to push them north with 55 zerglings launching lines of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. FOE re-hit, moved north on top of 26 hill, battled it out with them for a bit, moved it west back around corp. Continued clustering for another 30 odd minutes. Not seeing CP since they got .5d on 26 hill 30 mins earlier they re-rushed with full opts, we dipped out with 35 into single for the first time of the night after a 45 minute cluster fest to get a bank and a drink of water.



    Heard a cluster had started east of ruins. Got involved in it and started to do work. Pushed in from the west clearing the blue capes in the way, thought we were hitting Supremacy until we realized TLP were on the other end, Chased them south, they gave us a little fight for a brief minute before we scim pushed on top and gave chase until they were cleared off the map. Still having food we went to CA for a quick prayer gain.
    Gf TLP



    Had 55 blue capes run into us at Chaos altar. Got prepared for a long cluster fight again. Cant really go into to much detail, made about 2 calls and they were gone. Bunch of blue capes were spread over the floor with some addy g and rune scims. Didn't even have time for the fall in leader to get back to the fight.
    Gf cp



    After beating TLP and CP we got back into the cluster scene running into RD at 18 ports. Gave them a bashing before the fight moved west, just east of corp. FOE got involved, did our thing just hitting blue again. Supremacy crashed, gave them a little tussle, Heard FOE were north so we dipped south to avoid a sandwich, got back involved with CP outside corp before FOE rerushed, moved it west where we were fighting CP and some third world country main team, Dipped into singles for a sec, with 35 left, we were getting hit from CP and these mains we decided to get a bank, having already killed CP and TLP.
    Hearing the cluster had died off we decided to call an end to the trip. Thanks to the clans that made it possible, and all the members that showed up.


  24. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Hormone in Critical Damage vs Doom 2-0 60vs60 F2P Prep   
    I was waiting for you guys to post on these forums.
    I'm sure soon this topic will be taken down because this is a Pure Community website not a Main clan website.









  25. Like
    Ir0ny reacted to Andy in Eruption of Mains   
    rly? ur life must suck if u I don&#39;t hate you but your clan over a video game dude
    get your head sorted
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