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Status Updates posted by Dpliam

  1. @ThatBoyRange auto accept if I app?

    1. City


      why would you need to app, just pm him before trips lmfao

  2. @Hormone is a slave, who knew??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iShadyy
    3. NL_Ronald


      this aint liam gtfo

    4. Dpliam


      @Brock_Lesnar mark hunt slapped the crap out of you broccoli

      @NL_Ronald ????

      @ALB4NIA you are a slave of hormone since u listen to him so you are the slave of the slave lmao

  3. CD mass recruit a few mains and finally show their face on sharkbrew l0l

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TBR


      you pulled 40 yesterday you're irrelevant to us.

    3. Break


      You wouldn't pull even 50 without your minion clans and the many no item level 3s sitting on top of our fights, stop embarrassing your clan, please

    4. Dpliam


      @ThatBoyRange it took 5 clans for you to post anything on sb l0l0l0l0l0l0l

      cry more btw

  4. So a CD spy had the brainpower and focus to record a ts for 7 hours? I'm amazed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. B S E Rs
    3. King Dete

      King Dete

      This nigga getting so rich

    4. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      Doesn't take much to press record and afk

  5. We are the champions

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