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Everything posted by nalod

  1. what are you talking about Kyle?
  2. What additional features does this other User Group called VIP have and what are the requirements to obtain it?
  3. That is a very rare build for this day and age.
  4. Thank you @@Persian Tom @@ubermensch
  5. Hi Ari and thank you very much Moni.
  6. Well, my goodness that is an amazing account. Personally I would stay 1 Defence.
  7. What is your real life name? Jach What are your hobbies? Very much enjoy drinking with some ol' scape What is your RuneScape history? I started when my cousin (a female surprisingly) presented me the game. She had like 200k and at the time I thought she was rich because of the amount of time it took me to accumulate 2k. What are your goals for your RuneScape account? Well currently I just created an Iron man and I hope to progress on it . My pure wrongfully received a 2 day ban just today :/ What clan are you in? Solo Anything else: I am happy to be here and meet new people and talk about pures.
  8. Yes reddit is cool!!!!
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