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Status Updates posted by Junior

  1. Im sorry to all my fellow pure community friends who i have roasted. i would like to say sorry to Sv , Foe , or mm or all the clans i have flamed.

    1. Chesapeke


      yea you better say sorry :P

    2. Dude


      who the fuck are u lol

    3. blk wiz hat

      blk wiz hat

      RD kid hes apologizing becuz the clan he is in RD is closing and he needs a new clan to hop to

  2. Lol this sv kids just dont get it....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Holmes


      No you get free tabs though if you join SV

    3. Affiliated


      Selling purple hats 1k each

    4. Mystickeep


      ^ Selling your hats 1gp ea, no one relli wants them

  3. Im sorry if i flame some people but if ur gonna lie then i prob have the right to roast you...

    1. Affiliated


      Nigga u roastin like a barbacue

    2. Downyz
    3. Sith


      lol I really like how everyone talks about eating on here :P

  4. Well well well well , i see that sv cant say anything now , u kids got smacked at fullout. we got vids , loot , everything boi. I loved the preformance of sv hugging singles , another win for rd!

    1. Sith


      that was a great win by us.

    2. Leetz
    3. Sith


      The mains, the mass invites, the ddosing, was not enough, we still came out on top. Thanks again SV for the fight.

  5. i hope u dont bring mains , ***cough**** Shoutout to Sv ***cough***

  6. Cya sv. Ty 4 fights every1

  7. http://prntscr.com/1n0osu Nice mains sv. Thought it was the pure communtiy.. Saw over 10 mains. Good job u dumb cunts
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. A7X JUAN

      A7X JUAN

      happened yesterday too

    3. Karl


      Lmfao nate is FI not RD you downy

    4. Sulfate


      damnit karl lmao

  8. Gold hats are still unknown.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I eat rocks

      I eat rocks

      Don't think hes talking about Hostility. Chill the tits

    3. Janne
    4. Junior


      im not talking about hi L0L


  9. Who is this "gold clan"... Pretty sure its not HI

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tictac


      its not a clan its friends pking together they call them self 4G

    3. KFC


      1bangs ftw <3

    4. Dude


      4g, its basically the Ev kids that didn't go to RD

  10. Lmao... The red alliance continues.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KFC


      ^ what are you talking about? clueless rd guy

    3. EoP Ghost

      EoP Ghost

      Junior = random

    4. arcanes pro

      arcanes pro

      some rd down syndrome... rd talks sooo much brown sticky stuff bout ctrl+eop+sko teaming up "red alliance" but they are really just digging their own grave.

  11. Funest fight out of the hole pure community. what a day its been.. Another hour of my life wasted.

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