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Everything posted by Syracuse

  1. Sad when a clan that pulls 40 hits a clan that pulls "15" Poor leadership is so lost in the Hate that they think about themselves rather than their members and stop what they're doing to hit a clan with 30 less. As Naaldo would say, :thinking:
  2. think he should worry about his lololol
  3. Well done. Wasnt even there. Edit title to 3-0 @@Singles. GJ Hate my babies.
  4. Hello Rage, Join Hate.

  5. you act like we actually care or are running from you. God, I love the delusion. It's never been so real.
  6. 3 other XLPCs to fight, thanks for the goodluck
  7. Nothing to do with OB, just sucks when there's 4 clans that go out on the weekends XLPC times, and some don't even go out sometimes. As of PKRI's with LPC's on the weekends, we'll see what happens. Majority of our 3 clans will just be crashing and making clusters or fighting eachother. Can't wait to have fun!
  8. ​It is with my great pleasure, to announce that 3 more clans will be going out LPC times as of next weekend and every one next. NO, none of us are going LPC just yet. ​Hate Rampage ​Bad Timing All 3 clans have decided that it would be more beneficial to us when it comes to events like minis, pkri's, preps, and midweeks, in the LPC scene. We will have more competition, and a crap load more fun. You simply can't get on TeamSpeak at 1 in the morning and ask a XLPC for a mini, it just doesn't happen. See where I'm getting? COMBAT CAPS ARE STILL UNDECIDED.
  9. Hey Rage SK is http://clan-hate.com/community/
  10. Huge news for everyone tomorrow, stay tuned.

  11. ayeeee bumps nearly a week later ty for publicity /all
  12. Thanks for publicity man http://clan-hate.com/community/
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