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Everything posted by Duval

  1. nope @ took over or it was just a troll idk.
  2. i understand i guess i would do the exact same thing tbh. Fire away pewpew.
  3. yoooo flame off, i can be proud of it we arent even open pulled 25 beat a clan that has been open for a bit and they out leveled us really bad. Gf h8 being black doesnt give u a free pass to flame on my topics noob face
  4. yeah you can def blame him for that, i had no idea bt merged into you though. you had some super sick levels also bro we def need to keep training!
  5. www.Chaotic-rs.com | Ts.Chaotic-rs.com | Ch Pub Before our opening day on Saturday i wanted to set up a prep to test how well we still worked together, asking my good friend @ for a prep set on today we gathered a huge 25 green global gym cobras ready to eat us some demons. After an UGLY af round 1 i gave a little pep talk and we did what we came to do winning 2-1. Out leveled but never out preformed good job Chaotic & Good fight Hate Start/Ending Got carroted by a cowboy Chaotic - 23/10 Hate - 23/0 Chaotic - 24/14 Hate - 24/0 @Duval Pov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUXbktYLsrU Join today!
  6. Thank god, okay see ya there, and I have a few 71s and 73s but we are mainly -70 to answer your question.
  7. The real question is... WHAT FUCKING TIME DO WE ACTUALLY GO OUT.... each weekend its a new time, driving me up the wall tbh.... i would like to go out at 4pm est mass 4:30 est start ??
  8. Join Chaotic, We actually have preps.

  9. Mange is def a boy lmao.... this dude got you fooled
  10. join Chaotic for a real clanning experience.
  11. www.chaotic-rs.com | ts.chaotic-rs.com | Ch pub Today the Chaotic Cobras of global gym *slaps knees "hiss hiss"* gathered a strong 13 and later peaked at 15 for a fun 2+ hour Midweek of clearing everything! @@Kanicus Pov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErkkwesNz68&feature=youtu.be @Duval Pov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bncs21j0_I Join today! www.chaotic-rs.com ts.chaotic-rs.com
  12. While you was "competing" rage WAS #1. :/ God you're so angry with life !
  13. Huh? This is legit Sv's 3rd attempt at being "pures" in the last 2 years ~
  14. my first one in 2 years, this is what your 5th in a year lmao
  15. Nothing new here, summer is ending and kids are going inactive. It's called life go get one.
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