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Everything posted by StinkFace

  1. Love how this ultimate kid just brought up clan wars. Nice 0-1 with a plus 5 record this year while cd is 1-1 even opts.
  2. Lmfao the name "hormcalmdown" someone needs to make an "ultimacalmdown" cause you sound mad af. And jaja are now lvl 90 mains? Good to know, I was not informed of that.
  3. Dunno who ws is to be completely honest with you. As for jaja? You say according to your cc you're at 26hillz which is around 26 wildy? Even a low level jaja account of 120combat can only hit down to 94 combat. Unless you've now mass trained to 30def and is around 95-100 combat jaja would do about as much as you guys mass training 20def (nothing). Can anyone make me a doom excuse generator? I can't keep track of all these.
  4. Because you pulled 64 and we pulled 93? Makes sense to me.
  5. Scale from 1-10 how mad is this ultimate broccoli?
  6. Join cd on your 83. #1 mpc, and by far the best community. You'll like it here.
  7. "Yet no one has answered." Actually mrm answered you. You even quoted his answer. Maybe you're comprehension skills are lacking?
  8. Relax bruv. It's a fucking online game forums ran by some random ass foreign kid. Nobody's trying to write in perfect English to prove a point aside from yourself. The fact that you're trying to prove a point of intelligence based off a runescape forum makes me think you're a very insecure person. Might wanna work at that. Oh, and you can't win an argument with mrm lmfao you inbred.
  9. Nobody gives a fuck about this retsrded system lmfao.
  10. Lmao doom is brown sticky stuff. Gj ruin.
  11. Mfw doom is 0-1 in preps this year and cd is 1-1. Must be awkward hiding behind your clan wars then realizing you're brown sticky stuff there too.
  12. Won't be the first clan cd closed, sure as hell won't be the last. Zenith is brown sticky stuff. Can't even compete with 20def being required for members plus seniors+using zerks. Not to mention them teaming with envy lol.
  13. Look how easily doom gets mad lmfao
  14. It's awkward when someone makes you so fucking insecure you take a picture of a dick pic and post it here. Lmfao.
  15. And they have Hassan as their leader.... Lol
  16. Not gonna lie. Apex is a weird clan. They attempted to hit our 1v1 where we fucked up doom with about 35. After about 1 minute with neither clan hitting them back they left never to be seen again. No clue why lmao.
  17. It appears as cd demonstrates that they still are number 1.
  18. Actually that's false. Hate to break it to you, but 6 out of your 7 leaks left doom because it's pure garbage. Nobody knows what happened to the 7th. He still has advanced member on dolm's forums though.
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