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Everything posted by Aqua

  1. Aqua

    BV vs Act 2-1

    Already posted it :b
  2. why u heff to b mad? is jus a gaem
  3. gz u've lost every single prep against us until today gratz
  4. Goons going in lad BV vs Activation PREP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7lbRK2Du_k&feature=youtu.be Shout out to Kevin I'll miss ya brah
  5. brown sticky stuff klen brown sticky stuff clan
  6. damn cv has been open for 1 week they have this much drama already? def closing really soon.... #cvclred
  7. join convictioncc #1 brown sticky stuff clan massers only
  8. Shout to Ascent still butt hurt about the prep...

    1. Sith-


      lt is even more so lol!

  9. the 26 was from the cauliflower mains we dont even know who they are and they didnt even help they attacked us who even gives a fuck just take the lose ty 4 prep doe. Are you cauliflower?? anyone could say that if you look at the video at 2:36 i get attacked by that main like wtf is even wrong with you? PLUS YOURE WHOLE CLAN HAD MITH ON L0L AT A 1 DEF CAP
  10. We are prepping you Friday be ready :3
  11. Where in the fuck do you Dr? are u still mad about yesterdays prep ????
  12. Bloody Vikingz vs Ascent Wildy Prep 2-0 Rules: 1 Def Cap, 95 Combat cap. Round 1: BV Starting: 23 BV Ending: 21 Ascent Starting: 23 Ascent Ending: 0 Round 2: BV Starting: 22 BV Ending: 17 Ascent Starting: 22 Ascent Ending: 0 R0fl it was a 1 def cap but Ascent brought 20 def the second round? how sad but u still got rekt nuff said then accusing us of having mains? in the vid u can clearly see i get attacked by them aswell? like w0t m8 ru dizzy?? Mith in my invy and us killing a main :3 Video: [Video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDU4kW85ZLE&feature=youtu.be[/Video] We set out on Wednesday to take on our enemies Clan Ascent to a matched ops wildy prep 20v20 min 1 def cap. we arrived at level 26 tree gap and we saw our foes dding to the west. we strategically walked away and secretly p0tted up. When we walked back to like we were going to dd we hit them by surpise and pulled scimz out and rushed into our first pile Pcxe he was a 1 bang [lol]. we then all clumped up on top of them and the members B names spammed and filled the screen. it was not long before we thrashed them and burned them to the ground. we took our scimitar addy arrows and bind loots and dropped their scattered ops running south for dear safety down the single strips. After regrouping at dummies it was our turn to defend. Ascent was angry about the first round and decided to bring some mith out to get an advantage on us. Ascent told us to defend GDZ, and so we did. we stood death dotted in the corner of GDZ and watched Ascent approach us ever so carefully. when the initial clash started. the blue capes robes turned to mith and they pushed into us. we were at a disadvantage because of the robes we had on. but their futile efforts to defeat us using silly dishonorable tactics were to no avail. for soon BV emerged with more numbers, B names flew from the screen left - right and all that could be seen was the sad downfall of blue cape after blue cape, red capes standing among the fallen soldiers with a scim held proudly in hand spamming up "This is why im BV". Soon we pushed Ascent out of GDZ and dropped them like flies, we pushed them west all the way to mossies where few Ascent members survived. Along coming back east over to GDZ to collect our well earned prizes. the ground was covered with mithril armour pieces. as we shook our heads and walked down single strips to varrock. we celebrated the victory.
  13. BV vs Ascent Wildy Prep 2-0 Cya!

    1. Sith-


      they did better than lt!

    2. Sam


      better then the snipe unit #destruction

    3. Aqua


      @Sam where do u Dr? are u cauliflower or mental or both?

  14. lt why u heff to be mad ? its just a game ? just take the loss ...
  15. BV vs LT 2-1 Prep CYA

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