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Everything posted by Wooop

  1. get the fuck out my thread nigga i didn't axe for your opinion retart
  2. too bad you made inappropriate comments or else you could delete this topic then now go back and sit in time out mister
  3. foe reamed us first round but we pulled it together and got the win they were good fights tho gf foe
  4. yet somehow cp is still winning preps week in week out. must be all those lpc invites right?
  5. looked like your hand was shaking at the end there. were your knees weak, arms heavy? was there vomited on your sweater already? moms lasagna?
  6. ty for fights foe was one of the most fun sundays imo
  7. it was stated on /r/2007scape by a jmod that it is in November. It's a shame they haven't officially announced it yet to let clans prepare. It is coming though, should be fun
  8. Real talk: 1) Cp has a lot of accounts with 30+ defense. More than other clans, but on weekend trips, it has little to no effect on the outcome of trips. I can understand that clans get pissed about it during preps, but there has been very few times CP brought more than 5 accounts with more than 30 defense to a prep. Go look at Foe/TLP's memberlist, plenty of accounts with 30 defense. 2) CP has a lot of support from LPCs. Absolutely, but these guys are in our teamspeak every day being a part of our clan, pking with us, and supporting the most active teamspeak in the pure community. We don't just round up random pures on saturdays/sundays for our weekend trips, there's a reason that they have been consistently coming with us for months. They love our community, they love that we have unofficial trips at chins and lavas every night, and they have no problem being a part of the most dominant clans on weekends. There are very few randoms falling in at our trips. 3) CP has been talking waaaay too much brown sticky stuff. We are still learning to deal with being the best unmatched clan. We talk too much brown sticky stuff and can be absolute cancer at times. This was a response from EOP posting too much propaganda about us but at the end of the day we should have been above that. 4) I've been in FO, and I've been in TLP, but nothing compares to the leadership that CP has at the moment. Drunk is hands down the best leader. He's always 2 steps ahead of everyone, and not only that, he is able to call like no one else I've head. You could have every mental handicap and still look like a pro during fights because Drunk is so good at what he does. 5) We want FOE to get pissed about slumping, we want TLP to get pissed about getting slammed, we want competition. Foe and TLP have some of the most quality pures in the game. There's no excuse to not excel. Start getting your members pissed, start getting people excited about weekends. Get your 100+ ops next weekend and show us we're not actually the best, we will have a blast doing it. Last comment, pure clan cup is coming in november. People talk brown sticky stuff about it, but let's make it a fun and competitive one. Should be fun and interesting
  9. I've been clanning for as long as anyone else, and I gotta say that the amount of time that sam and the rest of the ranks take to prepare for preps and weekends is unprecedented. There is a reason CP is number one, and it doesn't just come from nowhere. CP is the most active pure clan right now and until another clan starts stepping up (I'm looking at you TLP and FOE), then weekends will continue to be dominated by CP. Most of us don't play rs very much, but we all love showing up for preps and weekend trips. People in TLP and Foe need to step up and start working to balance things out. If they don't, I definitely think pure clanning will start dying out. CP was #1 in preps last month and has been #1 on weekends for a long time. We want competition, we want good fights, but most importantly we don't want mains ragging us all day. TLP and Fo, get your brown sticky stuff together and let's get back to how things used to be.
  10. I wish you could hear our TS today. It pretty much consisted of CP in multi with drunk calling out which tlp/eop mains to pile on because they were wearing our team cape so they couldn't get right clicked. Anyone out in the wild today knew that CP controlled the whole trip. Hands down, end of story. Does cp have a lot of 39 defense accounts? Ehhhh yeah, slightly more than other clans, but that had about 0 effect on the outcome today. We would have smacked everyone whether we had them or not. Does cp get help from lpc's who are also members of our clan? Absolutely, but so does every other clan and it's also a very small percentage. I'll admitt, CP has acted cocky as fuck and has not handled being #1 very gracefully. But at the same time, trying to claim that we aren't the most dominant clan at the moment is simply silly. We will continue to work on being more humble, but it's honestly very hard when every clan refuses to admitt that we are the top clan and spouts propoganda day in and day out. And the end of the day, anyone who was at the trip today knows that CP controlled the wild, and that's all that really matters
  11. tlp- the last retarts just kidding eom by far
  12. tlp hasn't been winning majority of fights but i wouldn't be surprised if cp starts slumping sometime soon. can't stay #1 forever
  13. well when you only pull 30s on sunday you're kinda forced to be f2p, probably not by choice
  14. Wooop

    Yo fam

    lol doesnt get old tbh keep em cumin
  15. yeah amte, go ahead and post em. I would like to read them for entertainment purposes. its just too bad they dont exist tho
  16. the moment you start caring about grammar on a runescape clanning forum is the day you should probably check yourself into gaming addiction rehab
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