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Everything posted by pam

  1. yeah im just glad you couldn't deny any of the facts i stated xd.
  2. Bosa... the same guy that tried to come into our ts earlier under the name Tomm Pickle? LOOOOOL
  3. As evident by the video we were fucking you up in the wildy fight even though we started down 8 L O L. We got hit by a team while still at sperm as you pushed back to another hill for the second time. Keep an eye on the cape counter. All your members were getting one banged good thing you got saved, otherwise you wouldn't have this amazing sharkbrew topic. Gl You even have kids with different capes on the hill attacking us hahaha, and at the end telling the team that attacked us to off you... Funny, I thought you were the team always bitching about getting teamed?
  4. Gj. Out of curiosity are most of your members from other higher level clans?
  5. "dont att me ive got a tele" L00000000000l
  6. This is accurate, I don't think a single rank was on this pk trip lmfao just some guys going out in 308. I think this shows how badly their ego was hurt from getting fucked earlier today. The first clip in this video is 30 rage hitting 10 curse and the rest of the vid is other teams. I get why this forums is so addicting now there are so many dumbass little kids that it's hard to not get sucked in when they say random brown sticky stuff lmao...
  7. Was expecting more from the self-proclaimed #1 xlpc, but hey I'm not complaining bout free loot . Gj boys
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