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coc is roc

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Posts posted by coc is roc

  1. im not making a forum account on severance's dead site to prove a point


    point was half your clan was over 80 cb, more than half your people at your preps were too


    you talk down to us about not fighting, but when you closed we were only 50s and 60s so yeah my point was too bad you were too brown sticky stuff to not stay around for an ass beating

    linked you an actual ml completely disproving your point yet you still try and claim it

    we don't care if u didn't fight us then would've been too easy (i think you were just a full on world 8 masser clan at the time?) it took you like 6 months to get good and we aren't gonna bore ourselves with two days in a row of f2p wilderness for that long

  2. Rules are rules at the end of the day everyone knows you don't bring brown sticky stuff like that to a prep it's not rocket science now is it?

    one person having +15 defense bonus isn't what's making you lose (not rocket science) and if it was actually close most people that encourage competition would simply re-do the round instead of "claiming a win" (common sense u dumb ugly brit)

  3. we'd have to sit half our pull for sev which closed in a month btw

    last time imp was open they pulled the exact same and still sat members in order to have only maxed accs in and lost every time, but then again i'm pretty sure you were mass recruited to zenith or something


    grats on close fight, pretty embarrassing that it was this close with even numbers tbh

  4. why do u crop out the 80s after the 13th one?


    that just proves my point that you had a ridiculous amount of 80s at the time, even more than imperial and olympus(who were at the top at the time)


    doom was 50s and 60s when you closed, if you guys were actually good you would have stuck around longer and we coulda had some good fights

    you do understand what cropping is right?.. that's all that fit on screen without zooming out. if i wanted to hide something i wouldn't have given you a link to the ml, go look at it yourself moron

    did you not read my post before and only look at pictures or something? nobody cares about f2p pure clanning it's boring as fuck lol. if no1 was gonna fight us in cwa why would we walk around the wilderness for 2hrs for maybe a half hour of action? (i even remember one trip where we sat in multi with only 35 and everyone refused to hit us, including our so called rivals who had the same as us)

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