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half of you are delusional

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Status Updates posted by half of you are delusional

  1. buying ur clans locs 10m/trip, pm any @op on irc or join ub's discord

  2. buying ur clans locs 10m/trip, pm any @op on irc or join ub's discord

  3. pm Braden#2493, Hanuman#7624, broman#2575 or Tyendinaga#6712 on discord to leak 10m/trip!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. K2P
    3. Whisky


      i respect that k2p looks legit needs more platinum tokens

    4. 17_


      I see it doesn't say Zach on there, this is why he'll never be high council haha

  4. lmfao rage looking like a 0 server clan

  5. Why would you even include this in your own vid. Yikes https://gyazo.com/d2ca64ee94a3acbddd869e87cd7a3dc7

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Howl
    3. Kevv


      ub went from 30-28 after olympus gwas'd them!

    4. CR3W


      that is a good question

  6. lmfao op if you think 1 prep loss(you have 6 losses this month alone) is gonna break us you thought wrong

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brandon


      you realise that cwl is outdated we have only lost 2 preps since coming lpc and winning 5 one of which we smoked you stay ez

    3. nICK1


      Ub dead af gratz eOP l0l

    4. Jack


      looks broken to me

  7. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 10m a Trip!

  8. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 10m a Trip!

  9. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  10. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  11. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  12. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  13. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  14. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  15. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  16. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  17. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  18. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  19. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  20. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  21. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  22. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

  23. /query pizy to leak lpc locs, up to 30m a weekend!

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