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h00ded pker

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Everything posted by h00ded pker

  1. you can pull 80 on a saturday but struggle to pull 30 on a sunday dafuq? invites couldn't make it???
  2. yesterday we actually stood and fought down ops for an hour, we did not hug singles all night scared to even do a scim push. We waited for you to come more than 3 steps away from the warm safety of singles but you couldn't muster up the courage. we got bored and left
  3. it was not 50v50 on saturday mate we were down 10 from begginin to end, and like i said its not our fault you managed a mere 30 pull??? How is it you pull 80 saturday but cant pull 40 on a sunday? too many invites couldn't make it?
  4. if you wanna learn how to fight to down ops watch our saturday vid, we refuse to fight in or 3 steps away from singles, we only ever tried to pull you closer to multi and we never got pushed more than 5 steps all night.
  5. Our clan is brown sticky stuff because we bullied you all sunday and you were too scared to leave singles? Gf saturday but its not our fault you pulled 30 and couldn't compete today, ty for the tiny bit of action anyways.
  6. Nice to see a clan admit defeat instead of spewing propaganda , ty 4 action
  7. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. wounded i missed this tripk, looked fun! PooP <3 Lumbridge Rage <3 singles good job SD <3
  9. PoP go so quiet everytime they get bitch slapped for talkin brown sticky stuff looool
  10. was too ez lol keep spewing that propaganda
  11. where was you all weekend??? brown sticky stuff job your clan sucks xoxoxoxo we will 3-0 you at any fair fight and you know it
  12. was fun stop crying 2 v1, it was a 3 clan free for all PoP scared to come out and play?
  13. gg guys, but why when you concede that you lost the first fight are your members spamming '3 - 0 no bank' ??? lolz and we enjoy fighting you guys down ops but please try and refrain from brining lv 80s+ next time, ty =]
  14. always fun fighting pop =] , shame your 80s couldnt help at fog
  15. 3:35 that one pop kid shouting 'sd cleared' while his clan getting massacred then he runs away lmao! Poop stay ez
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