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We D0 K0

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Everything posted by We D0 K0

  1. U wot? Before summoning and turmoil was 2007 And that's the game we play right now not pre-eoc rofl
  2. Yeah I'm the problem here. It's not like EoP/TLP/FI/SUP/FOE would ever do something as no honor as DDoSing or bringing mains! #RD ruining the game confirmed
  3. Ohh I see, we have a special snowflake! Of course it's every other clan doing all the horrible things in this community, it can't possible be mine as well!
  4. Mate, unless you noticed clans are sending main teams and DDoS each other do you really think the very same people are going to stay off LPC clans for no apparent reason? What fucking dream world are you living in lol
  5. We don't know since you haven't told us yet
  6. Did you even P2P pre-eoc? Unless you forgot it consisted of 110 combat nig rangers with turmoil, c maul, bolas, d scim/dds and a titan mass sniping each other till the end of days with a 2 step lagg caused by the familiars. Fighting mains was more fun they had less cancer. Perfect example of the average P2P pre-eoc sunday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQIG2wRHRao
  7. Nobody cares about a slumping country China has been #1 in the world since june 2k15
  8. Jagex arranged the event and as you should know by now they suck at their own game This community is pretty broccolied but at least we're autistic enough to organize proper events
  9. Omg TLP why is you use such no honor tactics as signups?? Freedome for CP! Chain69 cc if you want to go with the world against the world to make mossies a better place!
  10. Please add me my in game name is: Fuck off no one cares
  11. Probably DOXing, it's the only thing which really gives no benefit to either side + it's personal
  12. You see the difference between you and me is that I went to a HPC trip and had fun while you went to a HPC trip and got fucked. Instead of finding excuses like "ohh i got rekt by mains" you need to embrace the fact that if a main hadn't gotten your loot a pure would, because you are brown sticky stuff at the game and would have ended up dying either way.
  13. If you can't even wilderness you should just close
  14. Leader: Bv Hassan High Council(s): Solo Ranger, 13th Pker Warlord(s): Nick Hamilton, Elite Bs3r Council(s): Duval, AD(olf) HI(tler) Other rank(s): Erik #1 lowtier rank
  15. Please mister hackerman don't leak our IRLs we learnt our place!
  16. u wot m8? do you really expect clans to post a aftermath topic every time they step into the wilderness? Protip, clans who post aftermath topics of midweeks at lavas are the clans who usually never go there
  17. If your answer to the question "Do you think it's fun to suck?" is; Yes, then join CP Smoke, then join TLP No, then join RD
  18. It's not a choice, just like I can't decide to be potato masher I don't think they can decide to be straight. Sure you can repress that fact with some help from God or whatever you believe in but it won't fix the bundle of twigsgorty inside of you. Your upbringing and surroundings has a lot to do with how you turn out so it wouldn't surprise me if it applied to sexuality as well. On a side note some of the elite forces of ancient Greece were potato masher as fuck because they believed if you fought next to your lover you'd fight harder and it worked out quite well for them. Now if only Shawn would bite the pillow and let Sith do his thing then maybe we would reach #1 matched f2p again...
  19. I have not always been the greatest f2p warrior of all time. At one point in my life I found myself lost in edgeville, confused and not knowing how to even pking... But then from nowhere appeared a sithlord1234, 1-iteming a rune scimitar with an open friend chat who asked me to join him. No one should ever have to find themselves at edge bridge without somebody instantly asking them to come pk and possibly backstabbing them! Sith4President#Pray4SOUP
  20. You're just upset over the fact that Hassan could close your pure clan, then reopen the main clan and close that one as well all in a afternoon Hassan4life, hands up cash out!
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